dates with the third gym squad

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characters: tsukishima, kuroo, akaashi, bokuto



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• sALtY boi- 🥵🥵🥵
• ur dates would mostly be indoors
• Netflix marathon, sometimes snuggle and cuddle, or you can just come over to his house then you guys would do your own things, ya' know?
• loves to watch dinosaur movies and documentaries with you when you guys do a movie marathon date
• you guys don't usually date outdoors, like in a fancy restaurant, or in a 'secret place' or whatever for stargazing because tsukki prefers lowkey dates wherein you two won't be teased
• it's not that he's bothered if his teammates will tease him
• he's bothered if his teammates will tease YOU
• bb doesn't want u uncomfortable
• 🥺🥺🥺
• when it comes to dinosaur parks and dinosaur museum dates, he doesn't complain at all
• and you actually manage to convince- force- him to go on an amusement park date every once in a while 🤭♥️✨
• be prepared for a load of whining and insults
• tsukki: pff- anchors away? that doesn't even look scary
• you: oh, really? then let's try that one next!
• tsukki: it's not even scary so why waste our time?
• you: if you're not scared then why won't you ride it with me?
• tsukki: aww, just admit that YOU'RE the one who's scared that's why you want to ride it with ME
• you: that doesn't even make sense!
• and for the rest of the amusement park date, Tsukki calls you a scaredy cat. 👁️👄👁️
why do you even keep up with him-
• Tsukki is definitely not a fan of PDA
• but sometimes he will snuggle your hand in the pocket of his jacket when you feel cold
• or he will tug your sleeve so you'll be pulled closer to him while walking together
• and on the bus ride on the way home, you two share on his airpods ♥️
• but sometimes tsukki brings his headphones instead so there's no way for you to share and he enjoys all the music by himself 😡
• will let you sleep on his shoulder when you're already feeling drowsy
• will let out a sigh and murmur "you wouldn't be this tired if we just watched Jurassic Park at home"
• but he actually enjoyed the amusement park date 🤭
• won't admit but he enjoys any sort of date that you plan
• he cherish every moment 🥺
• awww (๑♡⌓♡๑)
• tsukki the salty simp

 👁️👄👁️• why do you even keep up with him-• Tsukki is definitely not a fan of PDA• but sometimes he will snuggle your hand in the pocket of his jacket when you feel cold• or he will tug your sleeve so you'll be pulled closer to him while walking...

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