Unknown Familiarity (Dezmond)

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Watching eagerly as Michayla took her first bite, a smile began to work its way across his face while watching her clearly enjoy the trip back to simpler times. During the moment she spent in memory lane, his radiant eyes simply looked to her while his hands raised to fold neatly before himself on the table they sat at. As he often did, he was simply quietly admiring her as she enjoyed the moment, vicariously feeling happy through her. Yet, this joy would wash away and the concern soon returned when he saw her choke up, the questions already beginning as Michayla struggled to hold back the waterworks.

Hearing her out, it was clear that the things she was saying was causing some slight discomfort. His hands even unfolded, ringed fingers that were fastened with multiple colored gems scintillating as they caught the light that spilled in through the tall window just beside them. It's only as she looked to him in hopes of getting an answer that these fingers began to tap lightly upon the tables surface, his eyes averting and looking outside the window while his breathing seemed to stop. Only after a few moments of deep thinking would Dezmond bring his gaze back to her, his impossibly illuminated eyes burning like embers as they peered to her - As intense as they were they still held a certain soft kindness, akin to glowing honey that catches the suns rays just right. Even as he wore such kind eyes, a certain seriousness overtook the room.

"My name is Dezmond, and I am your Guardian Angel."

With the truth out there, his fingers would cease their fidgeting; His right hand raising to sweep any of his loose white hair over to get in line with the rest as it was all pushed back and to the side. "I didn't know I could feel familiar, but I'm not surprised. I've been a part of your life since before it began. I was even there when your parents fell in love, the memory of their first kiss a pleasant one I remember fondly." Deciding it best to not spill exactly how far back his watch went, or his duties in full, he'd instead start to lean back in the chair as to correct his posture while speaking and looking to her. "Mickey - if I may call you that - I have been by your side through the good and the bad, and it is my job, no, my honor to be there when your life inevitably ends and you need help crossing over. A day I looked forward to as it meant we'd finally meet, but..." With his brows furrowing, the clear look of confusion returned as a slight frown overtook the pleasant smile he once wore.

"Well, you aren't dead. Yet, you can see me."

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