>>>The Twins' Act!<<<

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Status: unedited

The Twins' Act!

"Hey! Move out me way lass!"

"Push ee' boxes over'er!"

"What the bloody hell are you doing with my hoop!"

Voices shout from all around the small area to the back of the huge tent. People weaving in and out to get their acts ready for the main show.

But, in a corner far from the rest stood two souls alone. The first, a tall male. He had bleached white long hair, tied back into a slim braid, that made it's way to the lad's lower back.

His outfit consists of a white and black diamond tie, on top of a white button down. Black pants, that had been cuffed at the end. Then a white tailcoat. To top it all off, a white top hat sat upon his head, it was laced around the edges with many off white ceramic roses.

Then, some of the more minor details, were the black gloves that adorned his boney hands; or the hearts above and under his eyes, white and black.

Then, sitting on his arms was a small girl, no older than 18. She was slender and poteet, clutching her small parasol in her small and warm hands.(outfit in picture below)

(outfit in picture below)

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The thin grey fabric draped over her thighs, and her parasol covering her strange eyes. The hearts on her face were the opposite to the young lad holding her, such as, if he had a white heart she had a black heart.

Deux pièces de puzzle parfaits
(Two perfect puzzles pieces)

Right, now, let's get on the the actual show...shall we?

From the quiet dim room, came a spotlight.

"Ladies and gentleman,  boys and girls! Well come to Noah's ark circus!" Said an orange haired male, as he started to juggle many balls.

"My name is joker. Pleased to meet 'ee!" The male said bowing with his hand over his heart, letting the balls fall onto his head for comedic affect.

Then taking a blue one out of his mouth, and making it disappear as the crowd went into roaring laughter. Smiling and extending his arm out to gesture to the audience,

"Tonight you'll see performances to stun and amaze 'ee!" He said as five figures ran out onstage. In the background you could see two smaller figures on the trapeze, and two figures on an Ariel sash.

One hanging off of it and one perched in it.

"And now, with a great bronze form our fire breathing Jumdo, the show of the century begins!" Joker said as Jumbo stands up and yells, chasing the rest away to start their acts.

As they ran, Jumbo made a gust of the hot gas blow all around.

The sudden heat, and lack of knowledge of what was happening, startled a certain H/c haired female. Almost falling from her perch as a hand makes its way to the girls back.

"Its only Jumbo y/n, it's okay." The male said to the startled female. She only nodded and got back into focus for their act.

They had not herd some of the introductions, but they had herd them many'a times before.

"-Next, a beautiful dance by that rarest of rarities, our own serpent-man, Snake!" You slightly looked over at snake. A smile adorned your features for a second.

The boy next to you pinched your thigh slightly, you looked at him as your smile dropped to a stoic expression.

"Stop making goo goo eyes at him and focus!" Your brother whisper yells to you. Yes, brother, he was your twin after all.

"-Beast!" You herd the end of his last introduction before your Act, so you stood up on the ribbon, and twirled once or twice to rap you and your twin in the ribbon.

You went backwards only to have the ribbon catch you. You were doing the splits up-side-down. And your brother was a bit further up doing the splits right-side-up.

"And last but sertently not least! We have our black and white clad duo, Miss black, and Sir white!" Joker shouted as the spotlight lit you two up, the crowd roared with praise.

You two interlocked your hands, and you spun so you were upright on Otsu's shoulders. Before you had interlocked your hands, you had thrown your parasol up into the air. And as it came down you caught it perfectly.

Holding it over your shoulder, and jumping down so you were in you brothers arms rather than standing on his shoulders.

The crowd went crazy, and your act didn't go unnoticed by a certain black clad butler and his stuck up master.



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