Try Out Tomorrow!

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Status: unedited

Try out tomorrow!

As beast tried to whip the man, all she did in the process was knock down some cretins.

"Oi, Beast, stop that!you two stop her!" Doc said looking at the scene before him, then turning to the two boys to his left.

"How dare you lay a hand on Missy's youthful, fair and tender skin! I haven't even touched her in that way yet!" Dagger screamed, taking his knifes and throwing them toward the gent.

If it was even possible, you face got redder at the comment. You brother just stared daggers at him, while he went over to pick you up.

"I didn't actually touch her skin, nearly her sock, though I do seem to have hit a nerve." The man said with an amused smile on his face.

"Dagger, stop! You'll shred the tent!" Doc said.

"Y/n's honor is more important than this tent!" Dagger said. With the use of your real name, you blushed again. You had turned completely red all over.

Dang threw a few knives at the man, but he just caught them, in between his fingers to be prosise. But, it seems, that he lost track of one for, a second after throwing the knifes there was a relatively deep cut on your cheek.

"No way!" You herd dagger say.

"Dont get cocky!" Beast yelled. Then a right as she was about to whip him, joker took out his cane, and flipped up in the air catching it.

He gave beast the most serious glance he could muster, before...

"Huy?" He said as flowers popped out of the end of his cane.

"All right, that's enough!" He said.

"What! No!" Dagger whined.

You giggled a bit, making sure nobody could hear you. You brother picked you up, and let you sit on his arm as always.

"That was mighty athletic sir! I reckon I'd hire 'ee!" Joker said smiling.

"Is that true?" The man said, getting real close and personal. Ypu didn't care to hear the rest, as you brother took you over to the doc.

"I want you to try walking again, just a little here and there. Your bones and muscles will get to weak for preforming if you dont work them. Okay?" You nodded and put your head on Otsu's shoulder.

"Ah, I think it's time for you to get some well needed sleep eh? Well, see you tomorrow doc!" Otsu said as he exited the med tent.


After the hole, med tent incident, you were back in your tent with Otsu. Sitting at your vanity, you stared at yourself in the mirror.

Lightly touching the scare on you right eye.
You frowned and took your hand down.

"Est-ce que tu vas bien?"
(Are you okay?) Your brother asked. You nodded, and reached up to pull the glass rose hair stick out of your hair.


"Êtes-vous sûr?"(are you sure?) He asked again. You sighed, and used to vanity to prop yourself up.

"I am sure, now, I'm going for a walk..." you said. He widened his eyes.

"Alone!?" Otsu yelled. You nodded, and did your best to walk to the tent entrance.

"Doc said I have to try and walk... so I'm going for a walk." You said, looking out the tent, then back at your brother.

"Fine, but, if I wake up in the morning to see you dead, dont blame me..." he said.

You walked out of the tent, limping. You hadn't been able to feel your feet for al long as you can remember.

So you've never really been able to walk on your own, without tripping and falling that is. The last time you tried to walk on your own, you broke your arm.

So this was a new feeling. You always had to have someone there before, but it was refreshing to feel alone for once.

Then, you saw snake. You smiled, and limped over to him. He herd you, and looked to see you clutching onto him, out of breath.

He looked at you, and then, seeing to absence of your brother, picked you up. You blushed, and hid your face in the crock of his neck.

He continued walking, stopping somewhere for some reason.

"This area is off-limits. Says wilde." Snake said. You lifted your head up to see the man that shoved his face in your nether region earlier that night.

"C'est le gent de la tente med..."
(That's the gent from the med tent...) you said into snakes ear. He nodded, and turned back to the male.

"The exit is that way..." he said in a higher pitch.

"Say Goethe." He finished, returning to his normal voice. You looked at the gent, he looked at snake and you.

"Your too kind." He said with a smile.

"Bonne nuit..."(good night) you said looking to where the man was going.

"Bonne nuit à vous aussi" he said to you, as he walked away. You looked to snake, and he looked at you.

"I think its bed time for you little missy!" Sanke said in his higher pitch.

"Says goethe..." he finished. You smiled and nodded, as the two of you walked back to your tent.


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