King Scourge of the thieves

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A/N: sorry this is too short but I'm lazy. Don't judge

King Scourges pov

I am the king of the thieves. I am the all powerful king of thieves. I know how to run my kingdom and my people. My subjects are loyal to me! Though one of them is a disobedient pervert who won't stop sexually touching my slaves and my 39 husbands and wives. Yet I never found my Queen! Ever since I was a boy my own father sees that I can actually keep the thieves in the balance in my own hands. I mean who can blame me??? Thieves here obey my every single command!! Though I have noticed that one my subjects who kidnaps Civilians along side my other subjects Rock-Roll just keeps sexually touching and having his "fun" with them. That dummy couldn't do this without sticking a finger up his or her ass. Geez why did I even recruit him?..oh yeah cause he's an expert on knocking out my captives before capturing them. Well Rock-Roll is a dum dum but he couldn't even help it. What an idiot... though my other subjects are not as perverted as him.

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