Magical Changes (Part 2)

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"Y/N.......................................Y/N WAKE UP!"
I opened my eyes to Star shaking my very being out of my body. I quickly pushed her away and sat up straight on the bed fully prepared to yell at her but I stopped myself when I saw the panic on her usually joyful face.

"Star what's wrong?" I asked reaching out to hold her hands. "It's Marco! He got kidnapped by Ludo and he says he won't give him back unless we hand over my wand and your necklace! What are we going to do Y/n! We can't give Ludo our magic but Marco is our best friend. I never even got the chance to apologized for saying those awful things to him. What if he gets hurt or dies!?" She looked as if she was on the brink of tears. On impulse, I shot up from the bed and hugged her.

"Star calm down, it's going to be ok. Let's worry about the worst possible thing until it actually happens. We're going to get him back.". Star relaxed into my arms and took a deep breathe. "Your always. I'm just worried. He was out first real friend here on earth and I don't want to loose him." I pulled back from our hug and smiled at her. "I know Star, we're going to get him back no matter what. Besides we are still talking about Ludo here, he's as scary as plushy teddy bear, what's the worse he can do that Marco can't already handle himself?" Star chuckles.

"Alright Star, I'll follow your lead on this one, what do we do first?". Before she could answer we heard Mrs. Diaz call for Downstairs. "STAR THE POLICEMAN IS HERE TO TAKE OUR STATEMENT!".

"On earth for situations like this, humans report the crime. I don't think they'll get it but Ms. Diaz saying it's worth a try.". Star took my hand and led me all the way down stairs.

As we made our way down the stairs, I scanned the room. The Diaz's were both sitting on the couch; consoling each other while a policeman stood across from them by the front door with a pad and pencil in hand.

Star told the man what had happened from start to finish, making sure to include every detail she could remember but I could tell from his glances to Marco's parents and demeanor that he didn't believe a word she was saying.

"You like magic little girl?" He said bending down to Stars level.  'He did not just interrupt her while she was explaining!'

Star looked at me in confusion and then back at the man "Um I guess...."

"Oh me too! Heck, I used to go to Vegas every weekend all for Magic! The thing about magic is if you don't use it wisely you can lose everything". The offer looked down at the ground obviously referring to himself as he contemplated how disappointed he was with himself. Star and I looked at each other with irritated looks then back at the Diaz's, hoping they would chime in. Not too our surprise they were also stumped on what to say.

The policeman finally snapped out of his daze and headed half way out the front door. "Any-who not much I can do for ya. If he's not back tomorrow, we'll send the bloodhounds for him." And with that, he left the house.

"I told you he would get it." Star gestured. "Well we don't get it either!" Mrs. Diaz said irritated. Star and I shared a sad look with each other know that it was partly our fault for not taking the time to explain our magic and our livelihood to them. Ms. Diaz sighed and put a hand on each of our shoulders "Look this isn't your fault girls. If anything we should have been paying more attention to the three of you." Star turned around with her back to us causing Ms. Diaz to lower her hands.

" We can get Marco back from Ludo!" Star quickly turned back around, grabbed my hand, and ran us toward the front door. "Great we'll take the mini van." Me. Diaz said as he chased after us. "No the little fly man said me and Star had to come alone."

We both walked out the door and closed it behind us. Star then opened the little hatch over the door non and spoke through it to Mr. Diaz.
"Your wrong by the way, this is my fault but we'll take care of it ourselves." Before either of them could say a word, Star shut the little door and we headed off. "Wait did you bring the scissors?". We both stopped in our tracks knowing we messed up our cool exit and head back inside.

Mr. Diaz was in the middle of his sentence when we enter back in and Star picked up The scissors. "Forgot our scissors." I said as Star open a portal. Not giving a second thought, we both entered.

When we exited we were now in Ludo's territory. Wasting no time, we started to heading toward Ludo's castle. I think we both figured that this is Ludo we're talking about! He is barely a threat with his minions. His take down will be the equivalent of a warm-up.

We were almost there when we passed to individuals. We didn't give them a second glance until we realized exactly who one of them were.

"Wait was that-" he didn't even get to finish his sentence before Star shot him and the toad guy he was with. I ran over to them both and summoned my angelic sword with a simple hand motion. "Don't move your too! Your not going anywhere!"

Star laid eyes on the bag that the too were sitting beside. "Marco!" Star ran toward the bag and untied it only to find- "Tadpoles? Ewwww!!" Star said making a disgusted face toward them. The road get got back up in pain but still curious. "Tadpoles?". Before he could say anything else, I shot him with an energy blast of my own from my necklace.

Star angrily approaches Ludo's grow-test battered body. In the calmest yet scariest forced she asked "Where's Marco?". " I don't even know who that is." Ludo said in a panic. Star was losing her patience. She charged up her wand ready to fire at any answer she don't like.

The toad spoke up " She is talking about karate boy. Pleas no more laser beams."

"I swear I don't know where your friend is." Ludo held his hands up in defense. "Then why did you summon us to your castle?" I said lowering my guard. The toad got up and walked in pain closer to us. "It is no longer his castle." He said pointing down at Ludo.

"He's right. It's toffees castle now." Ludo said crying while kicking the ground. Star and I both lowered our defenses. "Toffee? I HAVE NO IDEA WHO That issss.........." Star stopped mid sentence when she spotted the toad baby talking the tadpoles. "Come on seriously, do you have to do RIGHT now." I through my hand up in the air in frustration. "Ludo gave me babies."

"Ok that's it I'm done, come on Star we got butt to kick, victory nachos to eat, and long lasting ammo to use against Marco when he try to get out of something to use." We both started to walk away toward the castle.

'I swear to Mewnii Marco you better ok for Stars sake.'

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