Magical Changes (Part 3)

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We had finally reach the castle. We were about to open the door when Ludo spoke up. "Good luck getting in there.". Both Star and I looked at each other in confusion to his comment.

"Uh there are keys in the door" Star said pointing toward the lock. "That's obviously apart of Toffee's plan". I reached for the keys and examined them. "Looks like these are your." I rolled my eyes at his almost painfully obvious stupidity. Ludo stared deadpan into space before stating "Those aren't mine."

Wasting no more time Star and I busted through the castle doors and started running. "Wait wait wait! You have no powerful Toffee is! What you need is the element of surprise.-" . Ludo had fell right in front of us. "Lucky for both of you I know this castle like the back of my hand." Ludo pointed toward his right hand which had a huge mole in the shape of a castle. "Oh my gosh that has to be the nastiest thing Iv'e ever seen" I turn my view from it so that may stand a chance in not barfing up my lunch.

"I sneak us all into the castle and you blast Toffee in the face while you slice him into a million pieces!" Ludo chuckled at his own plan. " Such the circle of life" Ludo analogized to himself. Star looked down at his in confusion. "What are you talking about?". "What do you say butterflies, do we have a deal?" he held his hand out. "I'm not gonna touch the hand wit the mole on it actually I don't my skin touching your skin." Star lifted her foot up so she could push his hand way from us. "Furthermore why should we even trust you birdbrain?" I interjected.

" You shouldn't. I will guide you". Out of nowhere the toad that we had seen early had made himself know. With him he was carrying the tadpoles that were once in that burlap sack. "We don't really trust you either." Star said with a glare. "I am father now. I would like my children to grow up inside castle. You don't have to trust me but consider alternative." The toad had put his kids in a near by fountain while Star contemplated the small truth to his words. The toad had found a vine and tied it around it and picked up the whole fountain with it as if it were a back pack .

'Damn strong boi...........ok iv'e been spending to much time with Jenna'

The toad ran past us while muttering Russian under his breathe. When he reach the nearby entrance door, he ripped it straight off its hinges and jested us to follow him. Ludo ran ahead in an excitement while Star and I reluctantly followed behind. Before we could enter the toad had stopped us. "Whoa whoa before we go inside, I must tell you. Toffee is not like Ludo, he knows about both of you and he does not like you magic."

Defensively Star replied " Oh yeah, well I don't like his........uh..........uh" Se paused struggling to find a comeback. Slightly embarrassed she continued on in the castle. I followed close behind but the toad stopped me. "You need to have plan or else this won't work and you will loose your friend." he didn't say anything more before continuing on. I followed close behind but I was still thinking.

'As much as I like to say that guy is wrong, he's right. Iv'e let Star run this rescue so far and we still don't have a plan. What if things go wrong? What if we lose..? What if we.......lose Marco?' My mind felt full wit worries. 'No......I won't let that happen.'

When we finally found Toffee, he was sitting at a huge table with all his monsters spread out around the room. Marco was in some type of glass container. "Marco!" Star finally spotted Marco and turned back toward the guys and me. "Here's the plan, We're going in on the count of one." "That's not really a good-" The toad didn't even get chance to finish his sentence before Star locked and loaded her wand. "One" She charged in. Of course this was not a smart course of action but I wasn't gonna let her go in alone. I ran right behind her conjuring my sword to be at the ready.

Star gave us some cover while I slashed my sword to emit a wave a magic to disorient the monsters. Star shot herself in the air and shot a beam of magic toward Toffee. "You made it." He said getting up from his chair. He wasn't standing when the beam hit him to the ground. Star ran toward Marco, jumping into the air again and shooting the 3 guards surrounding him into small little plushie monsters. She then pointed her wand at the container and shouted out a spell. "Super sonic leach bomb!" The spell hit the container but the blow was ineffective. "What? AH!" Star got so distracted on why the container didn't break, that she didn't notice the monster that attacked her. "Star!" I looked to the toad who looked at me and we both understood with a single stare what the other was thinking. We both ran toward the big monster and tackled him off Star. He fell to the ground while while both of us looked down on him from on top of his stomach.

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