The Healer(REQUEST)

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I have Numb by MARINA stuck in my head😔
Anyways here's a new request:))


I glanced around the school library quickly to see if the coast was clear,and thankfully it was! I looked at the clock that rested above the 4pm book stack. I grumbled a little as I saw that I still had a few minutes until the door would open. I groaned a little wanting to hurry in and hurry out.

Why was I sneaking into Tsuchigomori's boundary?

Because I wish to find Hanako-Kun's book. I know it is in there,but now that we are closer and I know his name and more information on him,I figured why not. And maybe,I can figure out why he doesn't get a long with Tsukasa...I mean...I don't really like him either...but their relationship is...weird I suppose.

Finally the clock read 4pm. I smiled to myself as I hurried out of hiding and headed for the shelf once more.

I pushed it open and stepped inside,water seeping through my black tights slightly as well as my shoes. "I just need to find Amane Yugi,read it and go." I said to myself shoving my hair out of my face as I ran towards the black books.

"Yugi...Yugi..."I hummed to myself dragging my pointer finger over the creases of the books. ""I continued. Surprisingly,there were a lot of black books. My eyes widened as a smile came to my face as I slipped the book out and opened it up.

This was it! Hanako-Kun's book!

January 24 xxxx,
Y/N stands up for Amane,Amane was shy at first was warmed up to Y/N within an hour

January 25 xxxx,
Amane introduced Tsukasa to Y/N

January 26 xxxx,
Amane was punched in the face,Y/N helped to patch him up

"Y/N...?" I hummed"L/N..."

I continued to flip a few pages to find more things with this Y/N girl involved. Though,while I was flipping I opened to a page which made me dreadful.

November 13 xxxx,
Amane has a crush on Y/N

I shake my head. "B-But...he likes! Yashiro you're so stupid!" I exclaim"this is past Hanako-Kun! He doesn't still have a crush on this girl,I mean it shouldn't bother me. I don't like Hanako-Kun a-anyways..."

I read a few more moments between the two. It seems they knew each other for 2 years.

December 23 xxxx,
Amane finds out about Y/N L/N fate

My brows furrowed in confusion. "Her fate...? What happened?" Nothing was said about her fate,I had completely forgot about my mission,I was fixated on Y/N. I slipped the book away and looked for Y/N's book.

I finally found it! I reached for it and held it in my hands,I flipped it open to find a lot of information from Hanako-Kun's book.

December 21 xxxx,
Y/N L/N dies due to heart failure at xx:xx

My eyes widened at that statement. "Heart failure...? Poor girl...she was only 14..."I trailed off as I glanced at the next page:


Y/N L/N or The Healer is a secret school mystery,number eight. To summon her,you must require a fake heart and bring it to the nurses office,once there,you will have to set it on the broken bed and say "Healer...please be my Healer." And once done,she will appear.

"Why am I not surprised by her summoning way?" I shut the book"how am I going to find a fake heart?" I hum stuffing the book away and heading out of the boundary before I am caught.

I walked around school thinking to myself. Perhaps I could cut out a heart shape? I mean,that is the easi-

"Senpai,watch where you're going! You could've di-I mean are you ok?" I look to see Kou"oh hey Kou! Yes I am fine." I answer"shouldn't you be with that handsy ghost right now?" I shake my head"Hanako-Kun wasn't in the bathroom. So I'm guessing he has things to do." Kou nods"so,you heading home?" I shake my head"no,I have to figure out how to summon number eight." Kou flinches slightly"there's more school mysteries?" I nod"apparently. I snuck into Tsuchigomori's boundary again." Kou's eyes widened"please tell me you didn't get attacked" I shake my head"I was fine this time." I reply"but would you have any idea how to obtain a fake heart?"

"Maybe the biology room?" I snap my finger"of course! Ah!" I grab his hands"Kou you're a genius!" A light blush goes over his cheeks"s-senpai..."I let go"alright! If Hanako-Kun appears tell him I will he late!" I scream rushing off to a biology room.

I found a fake heart and brought it to the nurses office. The heart was about the size of my hand,the paint was chipping off showing the white plastic behind it. I slid open the door and peaked in to find it empty. I smiled and looked for the broken bed,once I did I set it down and uttered the words to summon her.

The heart begins to glow and shake slightly. I jump up and move away from the bed out of fear. I anxiously watched as the heart spun around a few times before the glowing went away and fell onto the bed. Though,instead of falling and remaining a heart,a girl took the place of the heart.

She had a sickly color to her,her hair was matted and a mess,she wore a blue robe that hung off one her shoulders slightly,the fake heart was exposed on her chest,like a string was wrapped around her keeping it together and lastly she wore no shoes. Her eyes opened and rubbed her eyes letting out a yawn. She glanced at me,her eyes were a pale shade of E/C.

"Y-You..."she croaks out making me jump a little"summoned me...?" I nodded"y-yes!" I exclaim"my name is Yashiro Nene! And I summoned you!" She nods and stands up from the bed but is weak and falls to the floor. I rushed over to help her up but she shook her head. "No...I am fine. S-So Y-Yashiro...why did you summon me?" I felt my cheeks burn a little"well..."I began to play with fingers"I found out through a book about you,and I wanted to summon you to know if there really was a secret mystery."

Nodding she pulls her fallen robe up only for it to fall a few seconds later. "H-How a-about I show you to my friends?" I suggest as she nods"yes..."I grab her hand and drag her to the old school building.

She remained silent on the trip there as I rambled about my friends. "Kou is the blonde haired exorcist,don't worry though he won't actually exorcise you! He tried and it didn't work out as planned. Then Hanako-Kun is the ghost,he's is kinda perv but I bet you'll like him a lot!"

I push open the bathroom door to see Kou and Hanako-Kun fighting with each other. "IM HERE!" I announce making them stop and look over at me"senpai! Welcome back! This bastard here kept trying to sexuality you." Kou growls"I was not! All I was saying is Yashiro would look hotter with big boobs and not so fat ankles!" I let go of her hand and fell to the floor"ow...!" I muttered out in pain.

I love Hanako-Kun,but sometimes he is brutally honest.

"Senpai,who is that?" Kou asks a few seconds later making me return to reality"o-oh! T-This is the secret school mystery,number eight! Or rather The Healer!" I introduce her. Kou flashes his familiar smile"the name's Kou Minamoto! I am a exorcist in training!" She doesn't respond"you say you are school mystery number eight?" She looks over at Hanako-Kun,her pale eyes widened as she began to shake.

"Hey...what's wrong?" I hum looking at her as she shakily points to Hanako-Kun"y-y-you sh-shouldn't b-be dead...!" She exclaims in disbelief as Hanako/Kun gives a confused look for a second before I see it click in his head. "Surprise...?"

She falls to the floor"w-why?! H-How...?!" She mutters to herself but mostly to Hanako-Kun. "Maybe-"I felt hands on my shoulders"we should leave senpai..."I nod"w-we'll be outside i-if you need us!"

I never got to figure out what happened while we were outside waiting. By the time we walked in both of them were gone and the bathroom was empty like how it was a few hours prior.

HANAKO KUN X READER ONESHOTS!(FINISHED)Where stories live. Discover now