You're Loved(REQUEST)

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I'm sorry that this is so late. I truly hope that you are doing ok. Ik it was hard for you. Sending love<3


"Y/N!" I exclaimed rushing over to my assistant and hugging her tightly. "I missed you! I have a big day planned for-"I noticed that she wasn't hugging back. That's odd. "What's wrong?" Her head was low making it hard to see her face. "Love...?" I didn't know if I should forcibly put her head up or let her do it herself. She seemed upset and I didn't want to make her more upset. "C-can you look at me? I mean I don't want to make you uncomfortable so you don't have to if you don't want to!" I quickly add.

She shakes her head and lifts her head up. Her E/C eye's were blood shot,old tear stains were resting on her cheeks. "Love,what happened?" She shakes her head and begins to shake. I go over to her and wrap my arms around her. "Y-You don't have to tell me." I then head her sob under my touch,I let out a small gasp at her sudden reaction. I brought my hand to her hair and began to pet her. "It's ok Y/N..."I whisper to her as she begins to shake and cry some more.

She continued to cry under my touch for a while. She finally pulled away and wiped her eyes,she was still shaking though. "M-My f-friend passed a-away r-recently." My eyes widened a little"Y/N..."I trail off under my breath. It hurt to see her like this. She usually was always cheerful and funny and at time sarcastic...but to see her broken is something else. "I'm sorry that happened to you." She then gives me a broken smile"I-I can't have a-anything...c-can I?" I shake my head"love that's not it. Stop. Just because they're gone doesn't mean it's the end of the world. It might seem like it,but you're strong. You got this. You're loved. You'll get through this rather it be next week,months or years from now. It's're ok."

I wrap my arms around her once more. Her breathing starts to slow down a little. "Th-Thank you..."

HANAKO KUN X READER ONESHOTS!(FINISHED)Where stories live. Discover now