Chapter 3

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Selene, Bash, and Artemis made it to the train station with enough time to spare. She had waited until after taking Artemis to the vet to wake up Bash, because right after she had gotten to the place she used the stone to turn back into a kid. Now, a 13 year old. 

They were just about to go through the barrier when Selene caught sight of a black mangy looking dog wandering around the train yard. She stopped and stared at it as her and the dog made eye contact. 

She was surprised. She looked at the dog longingly. wishing that she could go over to it, but as someone passed in front of her, the dog disappeared. 

Selene shakes her head and followed Bash through the barrier while holding onto Artemis. They quickly made their way onto the train and down the long train in search for a compartment. 

Selene caught sight of Harry, Ron, and Hermione in a compartment. 

"Harry!" She called as she rushed over pulling bash with her. The trio looked up as they entered the compartment. Harry ushered her to quiet down and pointed. 

Selene looked to the side and saw that a man was asleep on the seat in front of Harry. She turned to Harry. "Sorry!" She says quieter. "I just wanted to see how you were doing" She explained. 

"Im great, honestly. its been a...weird summer" Harry replied. 

"Where were you last year?" Ron asked. 

"I...Long story" Selene replied. "A family issue" She added. 

"Probably a good thing" harry says. 

Selene looked at him questioningly. "what do you mean?" She asked. 

"uh...Selene...dont mean to rush you but. we need to find a compartment" Bash says trying to hurry her up. 

"who are you?" Hermione asked suspiciously as she looked over Bash. 

"oh, Right, Im sorry Bash i forgot" Selene says looking at him apologetically. She turned to Harry and smiled. "Ill talk to you later" She says with a smile and then walked away from the compartment with Bash. 

They found an empty compartment and sat down in it. Each taking a seat to them selves. Artemis shared the seat with Selene. It was not that long after the train took off that the two of them had fallen into a peaceful slumber. 

Half way through the ride however, their peaceful slumber changed into a nightmare. 

~"You've helped me a great deal."

Selene was back in the Chamber with Quirrell. Her arms were chained to the wall just above her. The mutilated face of her brother staring back at her. She paled as she was hit by something immense pain to shoot through her. 

"you will pay for what you have done to me! you, the worse betrayal of all"  Voldemort's voice chilled her to the bone as she was hit by another wave of  torturous pain~

Selene sat up gasping for air. The compartment was freezing. She looked around and saw that the glass on the windows were frozen over. Artemis was up and growling at the door with her fur raised. 

Selene got up as she braced her self for what was coming. Bash shot up drenched in sweat from what ever nightmare that he had just woken from. 

The compartment door slid open and a black cloaked wraith came gliding into the compartment. Selene stared at the creature frozen. She was close enough to see just under the hood. 

The sight its self made her want to throw up, but the smell that was coming from it made her want to fall over in a dead faint. 

She closed her eyes forcing her most happiest memory to the front of her mind. 

Selene Walker: The prisoner of AzkabanWhere stories live. Discover now