Part I - Smile

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  • Dedicated to JC (my bestfriend)

Part I ~ Smile

It is really cold today, you can be an ice if you don't wear a jacket. Since today is Christmas, I thought everything is going to be alright like last years. I actually didn't do much and I am not really satisfied with my very few gifts.

I went to my room instead of opening gifts with everyone and opened my phone sending Merry Christmas to all. Then I check my friends to see who is online.

Why half of our class is online? Aren't they having fun with their family?

I asked myself that question even though I thought of it as a silly one because my Christmas isn't fun anyway, anymore. It's like 'this is over' yah know?

Luckily one of my best friend is online it happened to be Jake. So I chatted him. Actually we became really close since Neil discouraged me to fall with him. I think it was really my fault because of that 3 unsolved month fight.

Me: Hi

Jake: Merry Christmas :)

Me: Merry Christmas, how are you?

Jake: Everything is fine here except for our dog poops in my high heels. How about you? I guess you are having fun because your not online too often, am I wrong?

Me: Silly, you don't even wear high heels. Of course you're wrong! How can you be happy if you're rejected?

Jake: Wait. What? Why are you rejected? By whom?

"Shane! What are you doing here ? You're supposed to be at the living room." Ugh! My Dad again. Can't he just wait for a minute?

I just nodded at him.

He forcedly grip my arm preventing me from holding my phone.

~~Hey yah got message... ( messaaaaggee!! Yeaahh?)~~

"Give me your phone..." I just pulled my arm back but the harder I try the grip gets stronger. "...said give me your G** D*m* phone!!!" He demanded me to give him my phone as my arm breaks.

I gave it to him and still I am letting my tears flow because of the pain my bone suffered. "If you want happy family then obey. Be plastic not hard rock if needed. Understand?!" He whisper to me like he changed.

My dad is not like that. I knew him and we were really close than my mom and now we are really suffering from their fight. I'm sure even mom has changed. Actually if there is really a real santa claus then I'll wish for a poison and die immediately but what I am really worrying is what other people's need not myself. 

I stood up wearing a jerky happy face. I smiled then my lil sis and lil bro approached me. "Onee chaaaan! look what I got....isn't it pretty?" She got what she wished for then she proudly showed it to me. "Yeah Kia-chan that's pretty...." Then my lil bro run up to me and drove Kia away. "Hey don't use Aneki alone!!! Shaaare!!" Hahaha my cute siblings always fight happily! "Ken-kuuuuunn I am not a toy! Don't fight or else santa will take your gift back!" They stopped fighting then they hugged me and ask forgiveness. I smiled  and suddenly my mood changed when I saw the altar with mom's picture there.

Surely mom has changed appearance when she got cremated and burned to ashes. "Aneki put us to bed. Twins, sleepy" I let them changed clothes then put them to bed. We gave each other good night kisses, sang them some lullaby like mom sing to them when they were still a baby. 

I saw dad at the corner of my eye talking to somebody while smiling and his eyes are sparkling. 

This house is not too big and can be handled easily. The twins are also not hard to take care and surely dad will never come back here. He will leave to me the responsibility all in all and the money. I guess I really need to start working.

"I will leave this duty of mine to you. I'm sorry if I'll be gone for good and I will not be coming back. I will give you all my like your mom. I can't stand this I want to be happy so take care the twins for me bye." He prepared all things we needed but he didn't give my cellphone back. I took out my extra cellphone and called Jake.

I waited for him but maybe he'll never come here because he has a family, a great one. I just cleaned the entire house. Wash the clothes and dishes. Brought mom a new food. Then I talked to mom for a bit. 

Hey mom, please guide me in taking care of this house especially the twins. I hope that dad won't come back here what ever the reason is and i really hope that the twins won't remember him. Please don't let us see his girl friend or maybe his future wife. I'ts because I may not forgive them with my whole life. I hope that Jake will come here and accompany me today. Even though it's chilly outside, I really hope too. Am I a really bad person? I mean I made Neil discourage me in loving him and I only just let it past by. Is that right mom? Please guide me. Thank you.

I cleaned mom and dad's room which is I will have less problems in cleaning. Then I cleaned every inch of Dad's working area. Nothing has been left except the papers that I needed. I organize some of the papers and my things here. I decided that this will be my working area. 

*Ding Dong*

I opened the door and I was happy that Jake got here safely. I was really happy that somebody is going to accompany me. I let him park his car at my garage, his baggage i the guess room I let him seat in the couch. Offering him a cappucino, I told him everything. 

"Hey your mom is going to be worried about you!" I said after everything

"No, I am fine. Actually, she is worried about you. So she said...pack your things go and accompany her. I even brought my car and driver's liscence with me and some of cash incase you'll throw me out. Hmmm Will you?"

"If you want to then leave. You al....."

"Oops! Hold that for a minute! Who rejected you? Tell me about it."


"Hey stop frowning you'll get crinckles!"

" Tss. I'll be sleeping now. Lock the gates and check everything I will sleep at my siblings' room. good night!"

I threw him the keys and rushed at my siblings' room. 

"That's good, just smile."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 05, 2015 ⏰

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