Chapter 1:

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I hope to get one chapter out each week but my brain doesn't work like that, so we'll see.

"You guys!" Dream and George turned to face their friend, Sapnap. Sapnap had an excited grin plastered on his face as he sat with the other two. "Let's go explore that cave we found yesterday!" He suggested.

George cocked his head to the side, "It was filled with monsters though." He said, worriedly.

"They won't be much of a problem if we have the right gear." Sapnap argued. Honestly, he was really bored and just wanted to spend time with his friends.

Dream stood up, "I don't see why we wouldn't be able to chase them off." He looked at George, helping the smaller male up. "I think we should at least check it out. Who knows what we'll find?" He looked over at Sapnap.

Sapnap's smile seemed to get wider and he nodded, "Yeah! So let's go get ready. I'll race ya, George!" He said, quickly, before running inside again.

"Hey!" George gasped after how unfair that was, he ran after Sapnap. There's no way he'd lose to him again!


The three boys made it to the mouth of the cave that they had found the day before. Sapnap didn't try to hide his excitement. George was calm, but still pretty curious of what they might find.

Dream, on the other hand, had a weird feeling in his stomach. It made him uncomfortable, and anxious. He felt like something bad might happen if they continued but he brushed it off. If Sapnap and George seemed okay, it was probably nothing. He chuckled softly at his awful logic, but it made him feel a little better.

The three walked into the cave together, and to their surprise, there was barely any monsters. They would pass a few lava pools, iron, and the occasional zombie. It was almost too peaceful to Dream. Yesterday, the cave seemed to be swarming with creepers and skeletons. Odd.

The uncomfortable feeling that dream had returned when George slipped and almost fell down an underground ravine. He laughed it off, nervously, but Dream couldn't shake that feeling anymore.

"Hey guys, I think we should head back." Dream suggested, "I have a strange feeling that something bad might happen." He looked at the other two.

Sapnap stopped walking and turned to face Dream, "You think it might mean something?" The black haired boy asked.

Dream simply nodded. A bat screeched nearby which caused him to flinch and let out a yelp.

Sapnap grinned in amusement, "Aww, how cute! Dream got scared by a harmless bat!" He took Dream's hand, "Don't worry, I'll protect you." Sapnap said in an annoying voice.

Dream scowled, "Sapnap, I'm being serious!" He tried to defend himself. After the bat incident, his concerns seemed to be irrational. At least, that's how it seemed to him.

George cut into the 'lover's quarrel' "Hey, do you guys hear something?" It sounded like footsteps, getting closer, and closer.

They all went silent, trying to figure out what that sound could be. A familiar, heart-stopping sound broke the silence between them. The sound of a creeper going off.

Dream was quick to hold up his shield, barely getting hurt by the blow. George was thrown back into a rock wall. While Sapnap managed to pull out his shield, but lost his footing.

Dream saw the ravenette disappear out of the corner of his eye. He turned his head to where Sapnap was. It took a few seconds but it clicked. "Sapnap!" He cried out.

Sapnap had fallen down the ravine.

Dream stumbled over to the edge and peered down, "Sapnap?!" He called, receiving nothing more than his voice being echoed back to him. Dread made itself comfortable inside of Dream. Lava could easily be seen at the very bottom of the ravine, and there was nothing else he could see.

George joined Dream at the edge of the cliff. He stared down, intently. He gasped and pointed down, "There he is!"

Relief washed away Dreams anxiety. He didn't fall into the lava. Dream looked to where George was pointing, and sure enough, Sapnap's white shirt could be seen among the dark stone. He landed on a rocky ledge that jutted out from the wall.

Dream and George started to slowly and carefully make their way down to where Sapnap had landed. Sapnap was on his back, eyes closed, and his sword clutched in his one hand. His shield was nowhere to be seen, so Dream and George naturally assumed that it fell into the lava. That didn't matter though.

Dream rested a hand on Sapnap's chest. There was still a heartbeat. He sighed, he didn't notice, but he was holding his breath.

"Help me get him up!" George pulled Dream away from his thoughts. Oh yeah, he should probably actually do something to help his friends.

George lifted Sapnap up bridal style. It wasn't working out for him, as Sapnap was too heavy. Dream attempted to hold in a laugh as he offered to carry Sapnap if George carried Sapnap's remaining gear.

It was pretty tough getting through the cave. Dream thanked whatever Gods were out there that they didn't get lost.

Outside the cave, Dream set Sapnap down on the ground to properly assess what happened. George set the armour down with a loud, annoyed groan. He joined Dream and sat down. "Do you know what happened?"

"I didn't see anything really. I saw him fall in the corner of my eye and that was it." Dream explained. As he checked Sapnap's head he asked George if he was alright.

"I'll probably wake up with a nasty-ass bruise tomorrow, but I'll be okay." George responded. He really didn't hurt that much.

Dream froze, "Holy shit!" He gasped. Speaking of nasty-ass bruises, Sapnap had a pretty nasty bump on his head. "He must've hit his head really hard..." Dream frowned.

George stood up, "We should get back then, get him somewhere comfortable." Dream nodded and the two hurried back to their base.

When they got back, Dream immediately laid Sapnap down in his bed, making sure it was comfortable and had all the blankets Sapnap would need.

George watched Dream for a moment before calling up BadBoyHalo.

"George, hi!" Bad greeted as he answered his phone.

"Hi, Bad." George mumbled, "So, um.. Sapnap got injured, and we could use some support here if you can. We don't know what we're doing and I'm afraid that we aren't as concerned as we should be." George told Bad.

Bad was quiet as he listened to George. He frowned at the news of Sapnap getting hurt. "Oh, yeah. I'll be over as soon as possible! Just make sure he's in a cozy spot and don't leave him alone, just in case." Bad said before he hung up to meet up with the others.

Dream didn't know why he wasn't scared before. It's possible that adrenaline helped him not panic. But that didn't matter to him, that sick feeling returned as he watched Sapnap.

"At least he's not dead." George walked over and sat beside Dream. George has said something else but Dream didn't hear.

Sapnap looked so different when he was out like that. He looked like the complete opposite of who he was earlier that day, loud, and obnoxious.

George seemed to be thinking the same thing, "Wouldn't life be so much better if he was always like this?"

Dream could imagine what Sapnap would've said to that. He laughed, knowing how 'offended' Sapnap would've gotten. He would've clutched his chest and wiped away an imaginary tear.

"You're so mean to me, Georgie."

That's what Sapnap would've said.

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