Chapter 9:

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Okay, this is the last update for today heh...
I got hit by the motivation train, that's why there's been so much today

Dream and Sapnap had officially started dating, after that day when they visited the cave and Dream's hiding place. They didn't tell George for a while, not because he wouldn't accept them, but because they didn't want him to feel awkward around them, so they stayed quiet. But George eventually found out, and he didn't seem to feel much different around them.

It's been at least two weeks since that day. And Sapnap still didn't remember anything.

One day, Sapnap, Dream and George found themselves sitting on the couch together, bored as hell.

George let out an annoyed groan, "We need to do something, or I'm literally going to lose my mind."

Dream looked at George, and glanced at Sapnap, "We could always go mess around in the Nether." Dream suggested.

George nodded slowly, considering that idea. "But Sapnap's never been since his accident."

Sapnap looked over, "I wanna check it out!"

Dream chuckled. Slowly, Sapnap started becoming like his old self, loud, reckless... Dream loved it. "You heard the man, George. We gotta see it now." He laughed.

George rolled his eyes, "Alright, whatever. We can go check it out." He got to his feet, "But we better bring everything that we'll need." George began listing all the necessary gear they'll need.

Dream barley listened, "Yeah, yeah. It's not the first time I've been to the Nether, George."

"Yeah, but last time you were there..."

Dream waved his hand dismissively, "I won't let that happen again, I just wasn't paying attention."

Sapnap watched Dream in concern, he forced a smile, "I'm sure Dream will be careful, George."

George sighed, "Yeah, okay. Let's go get ready." He left the room, to grab gear and weapons.

Dream and Sapnap looked at each other, and flashed each other a smile, before following George.

George was rummaging around in a chest, he had three swords laying beside him and now he was looking for armour, "Dream, get some fire resistance potions, just in case."

Dream rolled his eyes and started to look through the potions chest, "Yes, mom."

Sapnap watched the two, feeling a little useless. "Why do we need fire resistant potions?" He asked. No one answered, so he stayed quiet.

Once Dream and George were done, Dream handed Sapnap armour and a sword. "Here you go, love." He chuckled.

Sapnap rolled his eyes, playfully, "Thanks." He took some time to get the armour on and then glanced at Dream, "Are we ready?"

Dream nodded, "Yep, let's go!" He took Sapnap's hand and walked to where he and George had a portal.

When Sapnap laid eyes on the portal, his mouth gapped open a little, "Whoa, that looks cool!"

Dream smiled, "Yeah, it's really cool!" He let go of Sapnap's hand, "Ladies first." He said to George, earning him a punch in the arm. He laughed.

George went first anyway, he walked through the portal and Sapnap stared in awe as he disappeared.

Dream held out his hand, "Want me to walk in with you?"

Sapnap nodded, taking it. They walked through the portal, and Sapnap closed his eyes.

When he opened them again, he stared at the world around him in shock. His question from before, that went unanswered, was finally answered. Lava was flowing, and fire was burning everywhere. He stepped closer to Dream, for a sense of security.

Dream wrapped an arm around Sapnap's waist, "Overwhelmed?" He asked, and Sapnap nodded. Dream smiled, "Don't worry. I'll protect you."

George looked over at the other two, "When we all first got here, we were lucky to have the Nether Fortress be like, literally right there." George pointed over across a lava lake. Sapnap noted that there was something darker standing out among the red of the... he didn't know what they were standing on. It was everywhere though.

George lead the way, across a sketchy looking bridge. Dream assured him that they went over it all the time. Sapnap seemed a little bit better, and he avoided holding onto Dream as he crossed. If he were to fall, there's no way he'd drag Dream down with him. Luckily, they all made it across safely.

Dream took the lead, and they walked down a long corridor. Some doorways were blocked off, Sapnap assumed by Dream and George.

"Sapnap." George snapped Sapnap out of his thoughts, "Be careful when swinging your sword, okay? Pigmen won't hesitate to swarm you if you accidentally hit one."

Dream laughed, "It's not a fun time." He glanced at Sapnap, who nodded in understanding.

The three explored the Fortress, fighting off any rogue Blaze, or hitting fireballs back at the Ghast. Slowly, Sapnap started to become more comfortable there. Dream and George seemed to know what they were doing when fighting any monsters, so he felt safe with them.

Eventually, they all stopped to take a break and have a snack. Sapnap sat down beside Dream, smiling happily. "It's actually pretty cool here!" He told Dream.

Dream nodded in agreement, "I think so too, we used to have so much fun here, all of us." He laughed.

Sapnap smiled softly and then looked around, "George mentioned that time when you got really hurt... was that here?"

Dream nodded.

"Then.. where are all the Wither Skeletons?"

George spoke up, "You and I wiped them out while Dream was recovering." He told Sapnap. "I don't think I've seen a single one since." He chuckled.

Sapnap felt some anxiety fade away, "Oh. Then that's good." He leaned against Dream again, humming.

Dream smiled at Sapnap and looked up at the ceiling of the fortress. "It's quite calm here now, surprisingly. Well, if you're ignoring all the Ghasts."

They laughed together, before quieting down. They continued to eat in a comfortable silence.

That silence was broken by the heart stopping sound of bones clattering against each other.

Dream's heart dropped as he quickly looked around.

And there it was.

"George! Sapnap! Run!" Dream yelped our as they all gathered their stuff before making a run for it.

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