Chapter 2:

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Sapnap was still out.

When Bad arrived, he let himself in and checked Sapnap over. "So what happened again?" He asked Dream and George.

George and Dream glanced after each other, and George decided to explain. "All three of us went to a cave we found yesterday. We were pretty deep inside when a creeper snuck up on us. When it exploded, it knocked Sapnap into a ravine, I think." He explained as best as he could.

Bad frowned, "Aw, poor Sapnap. Did you two get hurt as well?"

Dream spoke up for the first time since Bad had gotten there, "I was okay but George..." He looked over to his friend.

George shrugged, "I was thrown into a wall and hurt my back, but I'm fine now."

"It doesn't hurt anymore?" Bad looked over and George shook his head. Bad smiled, "Good!"

Dream watched as George and Bad spoke with each other. He sighed and went to sit beside Sapnap's bed, watching for any movement.

When Sapnap did move, Dream nearly had a heart attack, he was so startled. "Bad! George! I think he's waking up."

George and Bad stopped their conversation and looked at Sapnap, who slowly opened his eyes.

"Sapnap!" George went over, trying to stop him from sitting up. "Don't get up, okay?"

Dream tilted his head, "Sapnap, are you okay?" He asked, but received no answer.

Sapnap looked confused as he stared at all three of them. Occasionally he would open his mouth but would close it without saying anything.

Bad waved, "Hey, Sapnap, can you say something please?" He asked.

Sapnap looked at Bad, quickly looking away. "I..." He began. "Wh-what...?" He whispered, resting his hand on his head.

"You hit your head pretty hard. You remember that, right?" George asked, worried that something might've happened to Sapnap.

Sapnap stared at George, "Remember..." He whispered again. "I don't... I don't remember..." He said.

Dreams heart stopped for a moment. "But you remember us, right?"

Sapnap stared at the three people in front of him. He was quiet for a while, it seemed like hours, "You..." He pointed at George, and then held his hands over his eyes.

George smiled, "Yeah, that's me." He nodded, "George, right?"

Sapnap nodded slowly, "George..." He repeated, and then turned to Bad. "You're.... Muffin...?"

Bad nodded quickly, "That's me! BadBoyHalo!" He told Sapnap, smiling brightly.

Dream smiled slightly, "What about me, Sapnap?" Sapnap turned to look at Dream, but only stared at him. Dreams heart dropped, "Sap?"

Sapnap opened his mouth, "I... I don't..." He mumbled, staring into the mask that Dream was wearing. It didn't look familiar to him. "Sorry..." He said, looking away.

Dream frowned, "What...?"

George and Bad exchanged a look of worry. George smiled at Sapnap, "Well... It's getting dark. Sapnap, you should rest, okay?" He turned to Dream, "Dream," He said his name rather loudly, to maybe make something click inside Sapnap's mind, "would you please get Sapnap some water?" He asked.

Dream nodded and got to his feet, leaving the room. Closing the bedroom door, Dream paused. How could Sapnap not remember him? He remembered George and Bad...

He walked into another room, starting to pour water into a cup. He set the cup down onto a counter, and removed his mask. He never took it off around his friends, he never said why but they all understood.

He let out a sigh and wiped his hoodie sleeve across his face. He didn't notice but he had a few tears running down his face. Taking a deep breath, he tried not to let any sobs escape.

George walked in, "Dream?"

Dream froze, and made sure to keep his back turned to George, "Y-yeah?"

"Are you okay? I know it's hard but..." He stepped closer to Dream. "Bad said that if..."

Dream shook his head, wiping away tears he put his mask back on. "I'm alright. Here's the water." He passed the cup to George, "I think I'm... going out." He said before leaving with just a sword.

George tried to call out to Dream, "But there's monsters at this time!" But Dream was already gone.

Outside, Dream walked through a forest, avoiding any monster he could and fighting the ones he couldn't.

He found a pretty safe spot, and he sat down. Taking off the mask again, he stared at the sky. Stars were starting to come out, and the sun was disappearing. It was peaceful.

Dream closed his teary eyes, and unintentionally fell into a deep sleep.


Back at the house, George and Bad say with Sapnap. Sapnap stopped talking, he just stared at the ceiling. He was focused on trying to remember who 'Dream' was. Nothing came to his mind. Everything he could remember was all extremely blurry. He could only remember the colour blue and red.

"Hey, Sapnap?" George asked, "What do you remember?"

Sapnap was quiet, "I don't know..." The memories seemed to be fading and panic set in. "I can't remember anything!" He cried.

George frowned and hugged his friend, "It's okay, Sapnap. You remember Bad and I, right?"

Sapnap nodded, "Yeah but..."

George cut him off, "So you remember something. That's good."

Bad wipes away his own tears. Seeing Sapnap sad made him sad. "Yeah, Sapnap." He joined George in hugging Sapnap. "It's gonna be okay."

Sapnap closed his eyes as tears fell down his cheeks. George and Bad did make him feel better, but he felt bad for 'Dream.'

Bad and George pulled away from Sapnap. "Better?" Bad asked, and Sap nodded in response.

Sapnap laid down, as another headache came to make him miserable again. Bad and George stood up to let Sapnap rest. They left the room, leaving the door open.

George made his way to the couch and collapsed onto it. He sighed, "I don't think Dream's coming back tonight." He said.

"Where did he go?" Bad tilted his head as he sat beside George on the couch.

"I don't know, he just said he's going out." He mumbled, "I think he's really upset about Sapnap, more than he's showing."

Bad nodded, "That makes sense..." He frowned and looked out the window from where he sat, "I hope Dream's okay out there. We can't have both Sapnap and him be hurt."

George nodded in agreement, and closed his eyes. "I hope everything turns out well..." He said, mostly to himself.

Bad looked at George, noticing that the younger boy had fallen asleep. He looked around the place, and found a nice, soft blanket. Returning to George, he covered him in the blanket. "Sleep well!" He whispered, before sitting back down onto the couch. It would be a stupid idea to return home when it's this late. Surely George wouldn't mind if he spent the night.

Too late! Bad was already falling asleep. Resting his head on his fist, he allowed himself to sleep.

Back in the bedroom, Sapnap found himself staring blankly at the two beds beside his. He didn't feel tired, despite how much he wanted to sleep. The headache he had was almost unbearable. He wanted to know what happened to him. The others had said he hit his head, but how? Letting out a big sigh, he tried to get as comfortable as he could. It was going to be a long night.

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