Chapter 6: Fragile Heart.

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Callie pov:

I was, yet again in the same day, sent to that same garden.

"Hello dear," the Fairy said smiling.

I furrowed my eyebrows in anger, "don't you dear me! You just warned me today! And you already made my life a living hell!? What is wrong with you lady!"

"No need to be angry sweetie," she sweetly responded.

I'll punch this woman, I want to punch her so hard!

I huffed, "you have got to be kidding me! I'm not a magical being like you! I don't have wings or anything magical! I can't just fly away from my problems like you do!"

"Oh darling, if those are the things you want then why not? I'll give you everything!"

I glared at her and said, "I don't any those things! I want a normal life!"

She smiled but her eyes were sad, and she softly said, "you'll get one when you save the supernatural world."

I bit the inside of my cheeks, still quite annoyed, "yeah sure."

"And sweetie, I don't, actually I can't, fly away from my problems... I deal with them and fix them."

"With what I've seen from you, you probably don't do anything!" I crossed my hands in front of my chest.

She smiled, "I do more than you can imagine, now sweetie you should go back to your friends, they're quite worried about you..."

"No but I have questions!" but it was too late the garden disappeared and so did the fairy.

"Callie," someone yelled, "wake up! Wake up! Get the nurse!"

"Callie, if you can hear me move your fingers!" A feminine voice said.

I tried to move my fingers but I couldn't... I couldn't do anything at all.

"Callie, please wake up!" someone cried out.

Water droplets dropped on my face, I think they were crying.

"Come on Callie, please wake up."

"Get her asshole mate!" Someone yelled out

"She can't have a mate! She's only human!" Someone stated.

I'm only human? Then what are you dimbo, a donkey?

"Who is her mate?" Someone else asked

I heard some shuffling and the door made a thud indicating someone else had walked into the room

"Oh sweetie," a feminine voice I've never heard before ordered, "kids back away from her!"

She lifted my shirt a little and gasped, "who is her mate? Why would they do this to her?"

She started applying something cold on my stomach which made me relax a bit.

But my stomach still hurt, I wanted to cry but tears weren't coming out of my eyes.

I cursed at everyone, my parents, my brother, my friends, Xavier and most of all my asshole of a mate.

Although I don't know what it means but I think there is a story behind this mate thing that no one is willing to tell me about.

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