Chapter 2

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Seven years ago. . .

A man with shining smooth yellow hair walks into the view of millions of audience members with a little young Drake sitting on His mother's lap in a VIP booth as the man waves to Him and a little girl beside Drake waving Her own little cup in air to the man. He'd strike a amazing pose appearing a knight with a hair mane made out of lightning and a berserker type looking woman with lightning themed scars across Her body "FOR GLORY" He yells out as the crowd roars in excitement, giving the man joys seeing the child Drake and the girl beside Him having wide smiles as His opponent appears a massive mantis monster and a scorpion man beginning the match as the four scrolls soars into battle.

Current times. . .

Drake would be walking to the very same arena with His mother behind Her with a small frown looking up at it from afar as Gwen walks up with His mom "come on Drake lets get you to the orientation for this afternoon's tournament" Gwen says with Drake nodding heading inside where all the contestants are wearing their outfits they've chosen for the tournament. His mom would pat His back as some of the stretching contestants are looking over "good luck today" Gwen says pointing to a specific part of the audience area "we got seats over there" She explains before the two walks away quickly, as He'd sigh.

Drake gets a weird monitor bracelet called a detector which He inserts getting a scan of what lightning sloth can do giving a small report of Him. Report would show His amazing strength but lacks in speed being slow as a snail having the lightning type increasing that speed by a percentage which really does so minimal because of how slow they are in first place, they are a Mage/Familiar class meaning they become a weapon/armour for their user giving them His mage powers. Drake smiles patting the scroll "lets work hard shall we" He says to the scroll who nods in cube form.

A man with long black hair wearing a massive cloak walks into view with everyone going silent as He'd walk up with the tournament manager "hello everyone please welcome our current king of scrolls" He says with them all giving a slight head bow, "He has a announcement for you all and only you" manager says stepping to the side. "Thank you for allowing me the time to speak with such interesting scroll users, but I won't take up much of your time today so I am gonna go straight to the point...soon a heir for the crown will be needed so I'm going to tournament to tournament inviting those who can enter a special tournament to earn my crown" He explains getting all of their eyes widened except Drake.

The howler from withered wing academy speaks up "why would you even think about giving any of us a chance isn't there rules to the heir" He asks with the king giving a small chuckle before answering, but Drake would do it for Him "He's the king of's His decision of how the heir can prove their worth to the scrolls and who the possible heir is, in the end it's the scrolls' decision." The king claps a little "I see you've done your homework" He says with a slight chuckle "what is your name young boy" He asks with Drake being nervous as everyone gets their eyes on Him "Drake Hunter" He says softly with the king to hold His chin "nice to meet you" He says with a smile before His jaw drops a little.

"Don't happen to be son of Robert Hunter" He asks with the other contestants slightly confused at this random turn of pace for this whole thing but Drake would nod slowly, the king inhales "condolences now sorry for it to be cut short everyone but I must head off to see the city's mayor" He says with them all bowing to Him as He'd left. Drake would be rubbing His arm nervously with most of them giving off a weird glare towards Him, manager of the tournament would walk up "alright now we need to go over a few rules for tournament coming up ahead especially with your scrolls" He says with everyone holding their scrolls.

They'd list of basic rules from no hypnotising abilities, no scrolls bigger then a story tall building, and so on so when the list of rules were placed they all hold their scrolls as a handy man bob walks up with two bowls full of names "in here is how we'll organise the teams for first event then the game it self" He says with Drake dying inside hearing teams getting a inner panic attack. Taser in His head "oh my god calm down it's just teams" He says with Drake trying to slowly calm down as they'd call up a purple haired man by name of Venom, Venom is wearing a long black hoody with one of the titans printed onto the back of the one named Bubonic dragon of responsible for the Yorker wasteland's existence.

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