"Discontineud Meeting and Realizations of feelings"

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Timeskip: Friday morning
Friday 6:02 am
Gen: Hey? You awake yet? ;-;
6:20 am
Senku: Huh? What's wrong? Sorry I just woke up rn

Gen: My manager told me I have to do something after school, sooo our meeting won't be today ;-;

Senku: Oh I see, next week's Friday then?

Gen: >:3 Y E S

Senku: Ok then, I'll prepare for school first, bye and take care!

Gen: Take care too Senku-chan :3
Gen's perspective:
"Why should I have work today, huhu" I was so sad that I wouldn't be able to Senku-chan today, I didn't even got to sleep properly yesterday cus of exitement. I was thinking on what to wear, what to say, some jokes I might share or even a gift! Well, I hope my work will postponed OH LORD GOD PLEASSEEE! I prayed quietly. I fixed my stuff and played with Neko-chan for awhile... OH WAIT?! MY CLASSES STARTS EARLIER TODAY, SHIT! I quickly ran outside and locked the door. (Of course I checked my cat's food first before leaving)

7:00 SHIT I'M LATE FOR THE MORNING CEREMONY!! After the long bus ride, I tried to run as fast as I can but, I'M SO FUCKING SLOW, Y'ALL CAN COMPARE TO A TURTLE. Finally I've reach the gate, the ceremony was about to start at that time. I've reached my class just in time. Holy Shit I'm saved!

Senku's perspective:
I went out early today since I want to do some research and maybe prepare the materials for later use, I constantly check on my phone, EVEN IN CLASS. I was just sad that I can't meet Gen today, hey wait- I don't need to be feeling like this, he's just a friend I would meet not a long distant relationship shit. Why do I feel this way? Senku YOU'VE ALWAYS BEEN STRAIGHT AND YOU EVEN REJECTED GIRLS SINCE YOU DON'T WANT TO FALL IN LOVE SO, WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS FEELING?! It's- It's new to me-. He might have figured this out now if he was here since well, he's MeNtAlISt.

Timeskip: Lunch break

Senku's perspective:
"YO SENKU!!" ughh Taiju again huh? Well anyways, we alsways eat lunch together today was different, well to be exact, he'll be eating with Yuzuriha today, well just the 2 of em'. Finally some free time to text him without anyone checking me.

Friday 12:23 pm

Gen: Ah! SENKU-CHAN!! what you doin UwU~
Senku: eating lunch of course, hwbt you?
Gen: mmmm chatting with you and eating a sandwhich :3
Senku: A sanwhich for lunch? Then you have work later? That aint right, eat some onigiris or somethin
Gen: But I-
Senku: Don't give me excuses like you're on a diet and shits, it's not healthy!
Gen: Ok Ok I will try to eat more since I'm full!
Senku: Why are even full this early?
Gen: I drank cola :3
Senku: Without any food on your stomach yet?
Gen: mmmm Yes?
Gen: No need to get mad and concerned that much... I PROMISE I'LL TAKE CARE OF MYSELF!!
Gen's perspective
Why THE FUCK DOES HE NEED TO BE LIKE THIS?! HE'S MAKING ME GAYER, SHIT. My brain started screaming as I overthink about shit. I never fell in love with a man before, or even experience something like this. I'll probably could ask Chrome about dating things since well, he's dating Ruri-chan righg now so he has experienced this types of shit. But I don't want to admit this but, I THINK I'M IN LOVE?! BUT HOW THO?! I JUST MET HIM AND WE HAVEN'T EVEN MEET EACHOTHER YET!!

Senku's perspective:
SHIT, WHAT IS THIS FEELING?! WHY AM I EXPERIENCING THIS RIGHT NOW AND WHY HIM?! OUT OF ALL THE PEOPLE, WHY HIM?! WHY A GUY?! Other students started staring at me, I was frustrated that I accidentally shouted. I closed my bento box and bought some energy drink. What should I do today then...


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