Train Ride to Summer

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Lily stretched her arms above her head. It had been a long train ride from Hogwarts to London but they were finally nearing their destination.

She smiled fondly at her best friend, Marlene who had dozed off accross from her, her head on the windowsill. Her strawberry blonde hair nearly completely obstructed the view of her face but her soft elfique features were still noticeable.

Alice and her long term boyfriend Frank were busy comparing chocolate frog cards when the wagon door slammed open, starteling Marlene out of her slumber with a jolt.

"Greetings everyone! Your favorite Gryffindor chaser has arrived", James Potter gave a general wave around the wagon giving the familiar occupants a friendly grin before landing his eyes on his true target "....Alright Evans! How's my favorite red head fairing?"

Lily groaned internally, James Potter's infurinating voice always awakened her usually rather dormant temper. She also noticed Peter Pettigrew was right behind him, he always had a habit of following James wherever he went.

"Sod off Potter... no one's in the mood to hear your slimy toad voice, and you very rudely woke up Marlene as well"

Lily threw a worried glance at Marlene, the poor girl still seemed confused by her sudden awakening.

"Ah well thats not that much of a problem is it? we'll be arriving in london any minute now...And i'm sure she doesn't mind all that much anyway amirite Marls?", James threw her one of his famous crooked grins and ran a hand through his unkempt hair, effectively making it even messier. This acction, Lily assumed, was supposed to be an attractive swipe...Meant to come off as care free and confident. To her though, it only made him look like even more of twat.

Marlene only rolled her eyes and faced the window again, purposefully displaying her annoyance, she was not of those who woke up in a good mood. She and James had been friends since their early childhood, thanks to their parent's close friendship, but she was simply not in the mood for his antics, especially not after he woke her up from a perticularly pleasant nap involving a certain best friend of his(though she'd never admit to this outloud).

Lily on the other hand, had gotten up, her cheeks red with her unmasked anger. She pushed away Alice's hand as she tried to stop her from letting her temper get out of control, as it often did when it came to James.

"Oh not much of a problem is it Potter? If it doesnt involve you directly and has no negative effect on your life I guess it's "no problem" since the well being of others never so much as crosses your obnoxiously large head, does it?"

Lily was face to face with James now, or well face to chest as James was a good foot taller than her, but her intimidating glare more than made up for the difference.

"How about you kindly bugger off and find some other poor soul to torment as you usually do", as she said this Lily slammed the gliding door in his still smirking, albeit slightly shocked face as Peter stiflled a laugh behind him.

"Selfish prick", she mouthed at him through the glass door.
James made a show of turning to Peter with raised eyebrows and making the hand motion for "shes crazy" before continuing on his way down the hallway.

"You really shouldn't get so worked up Lily, you know getting a reaction from you is all he's after, you're just giving him more reason to keep going", Alice gave her a reproachful look, this was a reprimend repeated an uncountable number of times along their 6 years at Hogwarts.

Lily sighed and took a seat next to her again.

"I know, Alice I know...Hes just, I really can't stand him these days"

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