1. his emerald eyes

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I walked through the busy halls of Canterlot High,  broadening my shoulders every time a senior passed by my way. I couldn't bear my height, everyone else here was so much taller than me and I'm not very fond of it.      

Today is my first day of high school, and truth be told I despise it already. What is there to like? I have no friends since they're all at Cloudsdale so I'm a loner. The only familiar faces I see are Fluttershy Breeze and Lightning Dust who may I add made the eight grade a living hell for me, I don't think this year will be any different. 

Fluttershy had been my best friend for years until the first day of middle school when I met a couple of my teammates who later on I hung out with more and more leaving poor Flutters to eat lunch by herself... friendless. I admit, it's not something I'm very proud of but at the time I chose popularity instead of friendship which wasn't a very loyal thing for me to do. To this day I still hate myself for letting my pride get in the way.

I struggled to open this new locker of mine " Why won't this dang thing budge" I muttered underneath my breath, with the thought of breaking it right open with my newly assigned math book that was given to me just earlier. I don't need it, right? It's just a math book anyways...

I grasped on to my math book a little above my chin, and just as I was about to smash my locker open I saw a blonde teenage girl, about my age approach me. " Howdy!" her southern accent called out to me, as if she was directly speaking to me. But that can't be... I've never heard that voice in my life! 

I decided to put the heavy book down and realized that indeed, she was speaking to me. " Uh... Hi? Do I know you?" I bluntly spoke up.

" Oh! Mah deepest apologies if ah gave ya the creeps, since ya don't know me. Let mah introduce mahself! The names Applejack!"

" I'm Rainbow Dash." 

" I see that you're having some mighty trouble there opening your locker"

" Was it that obvious?" I put my hand behind my neck, a bit embarrassed about the situation. 

" Yep! But no worries Sugarcube, I can help yah!" 

My eyes widened. " Really?"

" I can't leave mah new friend hanging, now could I?" Forget about what I said earlier, turns out I won't end up being a loner after all! I never really did believe that everything happens for a reason until now.

To my surprise AppleJack struggled with the locker as well, but at least her techniques were more logical unlike mine. I could feel the seniors staring at us, some even chuckled. 

" Maybe it's best if we go to the attendance office and just ask someone to help us out" I suggested.

" That's probably a better idea " she replied, a bit shook after turning around at the sight of seniors snickering. She crossed both of her arms and scowled as we made our way towards the attendance office. 

Once we got to the attendance office I sighed, I didn't expect the line to have so many people. They look like they've been waiting here for ages! " Can the line move ANY faster??" I grumbled.

Surprisingly the line managed to move quicker than expected, probably because the bell was about to ring soon. " How may I help you?" The office lady asked, impatiently tapping her pen back and fourth. I can't blame her because i'd do the same exact thing if I was in her position, I mean who wouldn't?

" My locker is jammed" I chose to vagley explain myself, is it really necessary to be specific? 

" Don't you worry about it, we'll call someone for help. " 

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