6. frantic monday

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It was just another exhausting Monday with many students yawning and rubbing their eyes. Some even took a short nap during homeroom in order to recharge their brain for this frustrating day we all fear.

While me? I simply passed time by writing an entry in my journal, or what some like to call it, a diary. What about? A strange incident that occurred between me and Soarin Skies last Friday. It's not important...

Once 4th period is done with I make my way to the cafeteria. There was no line since I practically ran full speed.

Since the rest hadn't showed up yet I had the courtesy to choose a table before they were all taken up by the snobby seniors.


" Sorry we're late Sugarcube but you know how strict Mr. Bieber can be. He kept the whole class in for 5 minutes lunch detention!"

" Even sweet old innocent Fluttershy?" Everyone nodded their heads. Dang... this Mr. Bieber must be seriously strict. Stricter than strict.

" So Rainbow 'Darlin, you free on October 30th?"

" You mean the day before Halloween?" I asked. I never thought Rarity would be the type to throw a Halloween party.

" Yes! "

" If it's another party at your house I'm all in!"

Rarity handed me a lilac striped invitation covered with a glitery '14' on it. It must be an invite to her 14th birthday I'm guessing.

Today was our lucky day. All 6 of us devoured our lunch meal in 20 minutes so we still had 10 more times to walk around school. Eventhough we've only attending CHS 2 months everyday remains a mystery. You never know when or what can happen around here.

We voted on hanging around the basketball court. Pinkie once in a while ran away from the football's being tossed around the air by the sophomore jocks. Apparently she has a fear of footballs. What?-

When the bell rang the 6 of us went our separate ways a.k.a our next periods. My next class was Science, Ms. Perry. I ran across the school in hopes of not arriving late. There is no way detention is going on my record!

Like usual, I arrive way too early. A line has barely been formed, with only 3 other classmates in front of me. Maybe being tardy to class is a better option than facing Soarin Skies. Not only him but Lightning and her cliche. Passing period is the absolute WORSE.

I can sense Lightning glaring at me with an impish smirk. No less than 10 seconds her fist isn't very far from my face.What is it this time now?

I'm certain Lightning wouldn't dare punch me since there would be several students surrounding us. But what she might do is slam me against the lockers, and guess what? That's exactly what she did. It wasn't as painful as the time she tripped me nor were my knuckles bruised and blood on my chin. So yeah, I'm fine. I might just suffer from trauma in the future but besides that everything is okay.

A couple minutes later Ms. Perry came along and opened the science lab. This time she was slightly late by 1 minute and the TA's began to question about it. Rumor says Ms. Perry is expecting a baby in 8 months but what do we students know? Rumors are rumors. There not necessarily true, just folklore passed around simply for fun or boredom.

Ms. Perry begun her lecture about the solar system. I obviously know all of this information, I mean who doesn't? I go ahead and reach for my diary when Ms. Perry's attention is on Snips and Snail, one of the many troublemakers at CHS.

Little did I notice my diary was missing. My theory is Misty could've grabbed it from my backpack while Lightning distracted and may I add, embarrassed me in front of my science peers. No one even asked if I was okay or reported me about theirs searching through my backpack. What a cruel, mad world full of careless society...

Halfway through Science I begun to have a mini panic attack in my mind. Lightning has my dang diary! Ofcourse I'm not okay! Oh my god... She's going to read the diary entries about her, my hatred towards the cliche... my ongoing feelings for Soarin. I ought to be planning out a way to obtain my personal, private journal.

~ later on that day a.k.a. after school ~

Just as I was making my way towards the bus stop footsteps dashed my way. A girl about my age appeared in front of me holding nothing but a handbag. Her hair was a swirl of red and purple. She had bangs just like Twilight and her eyes are a bright green.

I had no clue to why she approached me. Out of every stranger in this block,why me? I then realized she wasn't just antibody. She was that newest member of Lightning's cliche.

" Can I help you?" I spoke up.

Her eyes glistened. " No, but you can help me." She took out a notebook out of her hanfldbag which looked an awful lot like my diary. Hold up-

It IS my diary! I knew it all along, Lightning was behind it all.

Her eyes glistened as she handed it over to me " I was wondering if you can return this to its rightful owner?"

My face lit up in confusion. Aren't I the rightful owner? Wait... I think I get it. By rightful owner she means me. The bus rapidly arrived therefore I never got the chance to thank her nor ask for her name. What is a good girl like that doing in Lightning's harsh group? She seems like the less timid version of Fluttershy to me.

Just as I was about to show my appreciation towards this Midnight the bus arrived faster than my agility speed. I hopped in before the impatient bus driver decided to take off. Eventhough I might've not been able to tell Midnight thank you I waved goodbye and she did the same.

Conclusion: Today was a mix of good and bad sequences. Huh. Never had one of those. Life truly is One of a kind, isn't it? Well, mines just getting started and I'm quite pumped up about it!

 Swiftie's Note: stream folklore and evermore :'3

Authors Note

I MISS FOLKLORE SO MUCH!! Evermore is just eh. I still love Taylor Swift tho! Take a look at my username lol

Anyways, sorry for like the almost 1 month wait. I've just been overwhelmed lately. I just feel like I don't belong in anywhere, fandom wise. This account has been dead for quite a while... and no, I did not bother proofreading anything.

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