8. gorgeous

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                               ❝  you're so gorgeous, i can't say anything to your face 

november 11, 2018 ~

Today is November 11 and we CHS students all know what that means, well actually it means 2 other things but I reckon the fearless and reputation albums have aren't in any way relevant to Ms. Swift's arrival to Canterlot High. Or maybe it does. I swear all my teachers remind me of my favorite celebrities. Probably just a total coincidence, right?

Since glee, dance and theatre are now each an addition to our schedules, Principal Celestia said that there are no guarantees that we'll have the same classes or teachers. I wouldn't mind having English for 1st or p.e for 6th but there is no way I'd want to have different teachers, especially Mr. Bieber. 

I rush to the main office to receive my new schedule, well that and in hopes to arrive before Soarin Skies. There is no way I'm going through what happened last time a.k.a the first day of high school, remember?

The office lady hands me my brand new schedule. Here's the moment I've been hesitantly waiting for: the harsh moment of truth. Please don't let it be Mr. Bieber for english, please. 

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Haha! Saved by the Schedule!! Principal Celestia claimed there were going to be major changes to our schedules but mine is pretty much the same with the addition of glee for 7th. Melodramatic much? Is she trying to give us freaking heart attacks?? Well, anyways-

Time to continue with my same old routine and head to history. 

~ during break ~

" Am I the only one who's schedules practically the same??" Twilight inquired the rest of us, and just like her we were all quite puzzled. 

" You're not the only one Sugarcube! " 

" Same here..."

" Then why on earth was Principal Celestia making a huge deal out of 1 teeny tiny itty bitty change? WHYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY???? "Pinkie ran around the school yard, keeping an eye out for our Principal who was no where to be found today. " ANSWER MEEEEEEEEEE!!! "

" So... " I awkwardly break out the silence Pinkie caused after her whole scene. " Who here was randomly assigned glee?" I crossed my fingers, hoping that the rest received the same elective. Sure, if you don't get the elective you wanted technically you can change it to whatever you'd be content with but it's a whole long process NO ONE wants to go through. 

" I DID! " Rarity, Fluttershy, AppleJack, Twilight AND Pinkie all simitounesly exclaimed at the same time. 

" I was worried I'd be the only one stuck without my best friends!" 

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