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4 years has passed...

Remillia thought as she stared out her overly huge windowsill she was currently sitting in. She was now six-years old. Ah, how fast time flew by.

If she remembered correctly, her uncle, Archduke Caylor will be visiting today along with his son, Kyler. Her first cousin and the main capture target.

"Your highness, your parents requested your presence." A maid softly knocked on the door. Guess he's here. "Alright. I'm coming."

Remillia opened the door and saw Herlon, a very skilled knight that Catriel personally assigned to Remillia. In other words, her personal bodyguard.

"Greetings, your majesty." Herlon bowed. "Are you here to escort me, Herlon?" He nodded. As they walk towards the guest room where he informed her where her parents and guests were waiting in perfect silence.

Herlon wasn't much of a talker. He was the 'quiet and cool' type. He was somewhere in his twenties, which was very surprising considering his skill that could match a 30-year old skilled knight.

He was also very handsome. Maids, hell even noble ladies swoon over him everytime they see him. In the game, he was said to be Baron Foyer's illegitimate child and was often abuse in his very own household. That's why he trained to be one of the knights that served the emperor just to escape his household and look where he is now.

Though other people might think that being a personal knight is either boring or just plain stupid, it is actually a very huge honor to the knight because it goes to show that the knight's skills were noticed by his or her master.

Being a personal knight to a noble much more a princess, was a very honoring position.

He also popped up a few times where he and the heroine would often bump into each other when Khian invites the heroine for a visit or the heroine got invited to a ball. But that's it. Nothing more and nothing less.

As they arrived at the door of the guest room, Remillia noticed Khian there too and was about to open the door "Brother!" She called out stopping him.

"Milly!" He smiled at her. Day by day, he started to look more like Catriel but his smile look much more like Serena's. "Wanna go in together?" Remillia nodded as she slipped her hand and wrapped it around his elbow.

Herlon knocked on the door "Their majesties, Prince Khian and Princess Remillia have arrived." He announced. "Let them in." Serena's gentle voice flowed before the doors opened in perfect unison.

Both siblings stepped in and greeted "I greet His Majesty the Emperor and Her Majesty the Empress." Both said at the same time while bowing elegantly. They turned towards their guests and bowed in the same way.

"Greetings, Archduke Caylor. My name is Khian Rosaine Devyn Caylor, first born child of his majest Caylor." Khian started of being the eldest out of the two.

"How do you do, Archduke Caylor. My name is Remillia Winslet Devyn Caylor. Second born child of his majest Caylor." Remillia then greeted after her brother with the perfect curtsy.

"Haha. I see you taught your children well, brother. Children, please rise and call me Uncle." The archduke says. Both the children look up and stared at their uncle.

He had similar features that looks almost identical to Catriel's and the same raven hair. However, his eyes were a lovely shade of purple rather than the piercing striking golden color.

"Hello children. I am Carter Edwyn Howard Caylor. And this is my son, Kyler James Theodon Caylor." The archduke spoke as he gently nudged an eight-year old boy forward.

"Hello your majesties. Just like you heard from father, I am Kyler James Theodon Caylor. It is a pleasure to finally meet both of you." A boy with striking purple hair and purple eyes greeted the siblings. He looked so much like the archduke too.

Hello dear capture target.

Remillia thought. "The pleasure is all ours. And please, since we're cousins, it's a costume for us to call each other by our names, is it not?" Khian grinned at the boy. "I agree. Well then, I will be in your care, Khian, Remillia." He bowed again.

"Now then, since everything is settled, why not have a cup of tea kids?" Serena suggested. "Actually mother, why not we show Kyler around the palace?" Remillia says.

The empress pondered for a while and nodded "I don't see why not. What do you think dear? Brother Carter?" Both men nodded "I agree. It would be nice to leave it to them since they would be bored here anyways." Catriel said.

"Alright. But please be in time for dinner." Serena smiled. Khian and Remillia gulped visibly knowing what that smile meant very well while Kyler and his father stared at them in confusion.

She's showing the 'you'll get severely punished if you don't do what I say'  smile. Help..

Khian shuddered at the thought. "Y-Yes of course, mother. W-Well, shall we go sis? Kyler?" Khian immediately rush out the door not waiting for their answer "Yep. Let's go, Kyler." Remillia grabbed her cousins hand and followed Khian.

"Huh. I wonder what happened to them." Carter squinted his eyes to the door where all three children immediately rush out after seeing Serena's smile. "Oh, it's nothing brother." Serena's smile widened as she sipped her tea.

"Yes... nothing at all."

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