Chapter 1

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Chapter 1
Great ! Now i have sand in my hair...


"Finally...No noisy brothers, No patrols, Just us.." Damian sighed in relief, He was happy. Marinette grabbed his hand from beside him and gave it a little squeeze.

"Yes, But your brothers aren't that still love them either way..." She smiled, He grunted and pointed at the back of his head.

"Remember when they shaved the back of my head, It turned out to be written ( D+ M = Daminette)" He said, She giggled and lifted up her sleeves.

"Your hair grew back! What about my arm? It's going to be permanent" She laughs, Showing the tattoo Jason and Tim gave her when she was asleep, It was a heart inside of it was these written words.

Demon Spawn 4Life bitch's

Damian laughs at the memory when she was panicking that everyone would see it in their wedding, He assured her that will make others know how much she loves him, So she accepted it.

"You know, There's surgery for removing Tattoos if you would like to go" He suggested, She gasped and held her arm.

"As if! I won't let anything touch me! I Rather keep it than having someone doing painful things to my arm!" She exclaimed, He shrugged.

"As you want, Angel" He spoke, Then glanced out the glass window of their private jet, A worried expression filled his face and he shot up quickly, Marinette instantly got worried too, Damian never acts like this unless it was something important.

"Damian? What's going on?" She asked calmly, She was about to remove her seat belt but he prevented her, she gazed up at him as he cupped her face gently.

"Don't worry, I'm just going to check-" The Pilots Voice interrupts him, by announcing bad news.

"Mr. And Mrs.Wayne, We're facing through a sudden Tropical storm, We suggest if you hold tight into your seat, Check your seat belts-" He cutted himself as the plane suddenly moved fast to the left.

"We're going through Hard turbulence! The plane may not be stable, It could go down any minute!" The pilot yelled, Marinette gasped as Damian held her closely, He jumped up, Because maybe he could control the plane, It could be like the Batwing.

That's until a thunder bolt strikes one of the main Wings of the jet, So the plane started to lean to the opposite side.

"Damian!? What are we going to do?!" Marinette yelled, Then The plane crew came fast holding into life save jackets.

"Here! We have only two! You must take it and go!" One of the plane attendance, Marinette shaked her head and tears weld up in her eyes.

"What about you guys!?" Marinette yelled, She smiled and gave Her and damian a jacket, They wore it and the plane emergency door opened.

"i don't matter Ma'am! You got to save yourself!" an other attendance said, then Damian grabbed his wife closely and jumped off the plane.

Marinette watches the plane go down on an nearby island and crash, She and Damian held into each other with sadness as they sway down by their parachute.

Once they touched the water of the salty ocean, Damian said that they should swim over to a close island, in hope someone was there that could help.

It's been over 30 minutes, Now they just arrived the island, Both of them panted as they lied their backs into the sand.

"Great ! Now i have sand in my hair.." Marinette grumbled, Damian gave her a scowl.

"Is that what really bothers you now?" He asked, She shaked her head and got up, She sat with her legs crossed, And Damian done the same.

She sighs as she leans into his shoulder " I can't believe this, This is so Cliché...." Marinette said, He gazed down at her with a single brow up.

"How so?" She cupped his face then pointed around them.

"Our Honeymoon is in an unknown island, And it's just the two of us....with no food, Water, Anything.." She whispers.

"Yeah, But all that matters is that we have each other" He kissed her nose then got up, She pouted as he walked away.

"What a tease! Where are you going?!" She yelled after him, He turned around and did the same.

"I'm going to get us some food and water, You get some wood for the fire, and if you think that's just a tease, You'll have to see what's going to happen later..." He smirked.

She flushed in her place then rolled her eyes playfully, she got up and went to find what's on this island.


"Hurry up uncle Jay! Call them! It's been hours! They must have landed an hour ago!" Mar'i Jumped up and down on the Couch, Jason tries to call them but no avail.

"Sorry Princess, There's either something wrong with there phones, Or they're busy" Jason replies to her, Mar'i tilted her head and gave a questionable look.

"Doing what?" She asked, Tim and Jason snickers but stops when Dick glares at them, Then he turns back to mar'i.

"being muchy" He answers, Than Mar'i makes an 'O' with her mouth before making the biggest smile.

"Just like you and mommy?!" She asked, Then Jason and Tim started to roar out with laughs as Dick flushes by her statement.

"Y-yes, Now let's get you to bed little princess" He said, She shaked her head furiously and Crossed her arms.

"No! I'm not going to sleep until i talk to Auntie Marinette!" She yelled, Everyone glances at each other before getting to contact them.

But again, They got to no where, That's until bruce Came in running from the Batcave with a hard expression, Everyone didn't want to ask him that's until Tim asked.

"Is there a problem bruce?" He asked, Bruce face harden more but answers anyway.

"The jet Crashed" He said, Only these three words made everyone in the room jump up.


"Are they okay!?"

"Where are they!?" That last question was what matters the most, Bruce gave them a pained look.

"They Don't know, The Jet disappeared from the radar And wasn't found, They think it crashed somewhere in the ocean, But I'm going to investigate myself" Then he walked off leaving the room in silence.

Dick though of what Mar'i would be after she heard what happened, but she was gone, He said he was going to look for her as Tim said he's going to help bruce.

As for Jason, He was left alone, And Devastated, His Only Family could be gone for good, He wasn't there to save her, he shaked his head and rubbed his face in sorrow, Then Alfred knew when to show up, He assured him by hugging him.

"I'm sure They're both fine Master Jason, Don't worry" Alfred said as Jason laughed.

"Who said I was worried about the demon spawn?" He asked, Then Alfred gave him a full knowing look that he knows, Then jasons face fell.

"Okay, Maybe a little bit, But that's because he makes my Sister happy! Other than that he's still that litte Shit, But don't tell him that, Except the shit part, You can tell him that everyday when he wakes up....... If he wakes up" Jason sighs.


I'll publish the second chapter tomorrow, don't forget to check my profile for other stories!


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