Chapter 1

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"Jamie!" Jake yelled. "Duck!" 

I threw myself flat on the soft thin foam on the floor. This was supposed to be a city setting but I can still feel the touch of our Training Room. Jake threw a dagger at the floating cyborg behind me. Things we're getting out of hand as we were failing our test. Yes, all this fighting and chaos is a test. 

Most of the cyborgs were circular like a ball with weapons sticking out of their bodies as they hovered in the air. Some were giant robots controlled by alien life forms. I'm not really sure about the alien life forms but that's the description on the paper before I entered the Training Room. 

"Luke, shadow Peter!" Ivan yelled from across the war zone. "Jamie, shadow Jake!" 

All of us exchanged looks like we were communicating telepathically. I sprinted towards Jake as he ran to meet me halfway. I slid under a fallen pillar, just in time, before a giant robot rained bullets at my direction. I peeked at the side just as the robot lifted the pillar and dropped on me. I rolled to the side, feeling all of the sharp rocks and debris, from all the destroyed buildings, dig into my skin. 

"Hey Assbutt!" Ivan yelled as he threw a Molotov Bomb at the robot's direction. Ivan winked at me and I smiled back, realizing the line and the action he just did. It's from Supernatural, Castiel did the exact same thing and yelled the exact same line. I snapped out of my fandom and returned to the mission. 

Luke was already shadowing Peter. I stopped running when I was already in front of Jake and stared at his eyes. His once brown eyes lit up to a shade of blue then slowly shifted to white. Everything was blurry. Then, I felt Jake's energy suck me in. The next thing I knew, I could see the war zone form Jake's eyes. 

Shadowing is a technique where one ninja gets to be the shadow of another, literally. So the visible ninja always have back up. The shadowing Ninja also has an advantage since a shadow can't get hurt nor be killed unless all the lights are off which is very unlikely. 

The wind picked up speed and I looked to the side, checking on Luke and Peter. Peter jumped up and Luke, the shadow, followed his lead. Peter destroyed a cyborg as Luke threw a fire ball at another incoming cyborg. 

When regular humans see this, I bet their heads will spin. A shadow not following a person's actions? Yep, that'll send humans running away thinking ghosts have haunted the place. 

Jake ran towards a giant robot and I followed. I know he's going to slide under the robot and climb through its back. I get to feel what he feels and think what he thinks when we shadow. Shadowing is a good way to infiltration another person's life. A flying cyborg was spiraling towards Jake's direction and I threw a fire ball towards it before it could come any closer to him. 

Jake slid and I slid after him. That's the bad thing about Shadowing. I don't get to have a mind of my own. I have to follow the person in front and change actions only when needed. This is a technique that required oneness, being a whole, working together. If I don't follow Jake, it's like I'll be sucking out his energy, making him weaker. 

Jake climber up as I threw fire balls at more flying cyborgs. I felt Jake weaken. All our energies were centered on me. I stopped and mimicked his actions to balance the energy flowing between us. 

He jammed the robot's head with a device to mess with its circuits and it collapsed to the ground. Ivan took care of the last few floating cyborgs constantly slashing his sword. Jake lets go of the energy pulling me in and I was me again. The five of us smiled at each other contented with what we accomplished. Yup, the Level five has done it again. 

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