Doing "𝘴𝘵𝘶𝘧𝘧 " ( •̀ ω •́ )✧

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"𝗛𝗼𝗹𝗱 𝗼𝗻𝘁𝗼 𝘁𝗼 𝗺𝗲!"
-𝓘𝔃𝓾𝓴𝓾 𝓜𝓲𝓭𝓸𝓻𝓲𝔂𝓪

Leaving a star and a comment won't hurt your fingers. I promise (/^▽^)/ !

Katsuki P.O.V.

Five minutes later I arrive at the TDL or also called Gym Gamma. The gym Cementoss can manipulate with his quirk. Today tough Cementoss and other teachers won't participate in the training session.

All Might had an arrangement with Cementoss to keep Gym Gamma free so Deku and I could fight freely.
No one knew that the gym was open except for All Might, Deku, and Me.

And now Denki. I sigh.

Stepping inside I expect hearing  the usual kicks and the electricity lightings from Deku's One For All Full Crowl and like I predicted I hear nothing-

Wait what? This is weird.

I observe the gym seeing nothing or specifically no one. Only cement towers and chunks laying around.

I look at the door which I just entered to check if this was really Gym Gamma.
The sign which hangs next to the exit door says:


Gym Gamma like I thought. I'm observing the sign a little longer just to make sure that's really Gym beta. Not that I would be wrong- I'm never- but I had to be sure. The question is now why is no one he-

I couldn't end my thought because the next second I feel a foot on my back. I stumble forwards almost slamming against the sign but I could react fast enough to place my hands preventing me to facepalm the wall.


Turning around my eyes meet Denki grinning like an idiot, his hands balled into fists raised in front of his face.
My first thought went to Deku but that makes way more sense.

If Deku would have kicked me, he would have kicked through the wall. And Deku would never attack someone from behind. Like this coward for example. How did I not hear his steps?

"You sneaky little bitch. Trying to ambush me? Well, otherwise you couldn't stand a chance against me, would ya?" I bark while lifting my hand making little explosions.

Denki relaxes, fists falling to his sides. He is in his gym clothes. His front hair folded into a little bun at the top of his head showing his forehead.

I wait for a answer. Nothing happens. Just a relaxed smile on his lips.

"What are you smiling about? And by the way, the kick was miserable. You tried to copy Deku right? Deku kicks more out of the hips and he raises his leg more-"

Denki's giggling cut me off. Why is everyone cutting me off today when I try to speak ?!?

"Tell me Kacchan," Denki states. In his voice a playful undertone. What does he want? I knew that training with Denki wouldn't be normal training.  And Kacchan?

" Since when did you and Deku are training alone together? Like Without-All-Might alone. I bet it's not the first time too. Maybe that explains also your secret night-aways and 'I don't have time at the weekend. I'm doing stuff' excuses."

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