3 | ≠ polite

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The next morning I wake up to my alarm blaring at my side

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The next morning I wake up to my alarm blaring at my side. I glare at it, hoping to the higher powers that I'll get some supernatural powers to turn it off, but unfortunately, it just starts screeching even louder. I groan and switch it off. Throwing my blanket off, I pick up my phone and open Instagram. The early morning sun rays spill through my windows, illuminating my room with warmth and sunlight, both of the things I love more than anything.

As my feed loads, the first post, I notice, is of our star football player's. Immediately, yesterday's events flood my memory.

Nathan Wright, and as fangirls call him, Mr Right.

I chuckle. Honestly, this play of words always manages to get a reaction out of me. Nathan Wright is hot. I won't deny it, but he just isn't my type. It was a weird conversation, to say the least. He was staring at me as if he saw me for the first time yesterday and he probably did. I'm not on campus that often, all my time is invested in either the bakery or studying my ass off. 

Nathan is smart and insanely talented, so, naturally, girls adore him. The fact that he's a Greek God in terms of his looks is always a plus point. The quarterback of our team, standing at the height of 6'3, brown hair, forest-green eyes and a smile to die for, he's quite the looker.

But he and I, we never mingle. Sure, yesterday was an exception, but other than that, we never crossed paths.

I check his post and notice he has about a thousand likes and 200 comments, some from girls who worship the ground he walks and others from actual friends and family. He's posing with Eli and both are smiling at the camera.

I like the post and scroll for a few more minutes before getting ready to go for my first class. I have to compulsorily take the 8 am class as I have evening shifts at The Bakery later on in the day.

I  quickly run in the shower and get my morning routine on track. After freshening up, I throw on my white shorts and a plain pastel pink tee and pair it with some converse and my bracelet which Ma had gifted me when I was 15. I have worn this bracelet ever since. I like to dress in something which I'm comfortable and that depends on the day. Somedays I put the extra effort and there are other days when I hardly give a shit. But no matter what, I like to look presentable and today is no exception. Today feels like a tee, short and shoe day. One final look in the mirror, I smile at my own reflection, feeling quite confident in my outfit.

"I don't look half bad today," I muse, talking to myself as I usually do. The familiar sentence slips out of my mouth, as does a small laugh as I recall innumerable occasions on which dad has said this to me.

Shaking my head, I put on some mascara and lip gloss, let my hair open and allow it to fall in it's natural dark waves to my back and walk out to make myself some breakfast.

I see Mia already sitting at the table having her coffee. "Morning" she greets. "I've already made your tea. Just heat it and off you go,"

"You're an angel," I praise her. Mia winks at me as she grabs her bag, walking out of the apartment for her class which starts half an hour before mine. I quickly drink my tea and leave for my own class. 

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