Protocol Five

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Sierra growled at Victoria Sweeney, as she sat in the Kafe on their sofa as she growled once again.

"You know, how serious this entire situation is. We need to work together on this." Victoria said calmly, as Sierra cracked her neck to the side a bit.

"By kidnapping my friends? Most of my pack?" Sierra asked coldly, as the Sweeney looked at her, a cold look on her face now at once.

"We locked down the problem. We need to protect the secret at all costs to anyone." Victoria said and then at once, suddenly they both sniff around them, and smell both, Selina and Jana comin' into the Kafe.

Selina raced off, followed at once by both Jana and Sierra, who eventually made her way after them.

They attacked Robyn, one of Segolia's best security guards and Sierra ended up jumping into the passenger seat, as Selina and Jana jumped into the back.

"Go!" Sierra growled and Imara needed no more further instruction for it, as they drove off with their tires squealing, burnin' rubber smell, all in their wake, followed all over them.

Imara parked the car and they all walked towards the grate entrance to where Protocol Five was supposedly done to wolfbloods and Sierra growls.

"They are both gonna be de-wolfed, why?" Sierra asked, as she growled at Imara, pushing for the truth.

"To show blood samples, I'm assuming. If they see Human DNA from the blood samples, then they'll have no problem, keeping the secret, that protects us all." Imara said quiet as she walked away, to go and get the tools from the car.

Sierra growled loudly with effort as she forced open the grate with a lot of help from the tools, and she snarled at them all to help her.

She walked down the old tunnel network with Selina and Jana holding flashlights and suddenly they were all grabbed by Segolia guards.

"Sierra!" Matei looked over at once while Sierra snarled at the guard that was holding her, and her eyes blazed up blue.

"Jana! Selina!" TJ said with shock in his voice, as the other two wolfbloods were dragged in behind Sierra, as the Victoria Sweeney followed them in.

"The end justifies the means. Just like with the Smiths right Rebecca?" Sierra snarls at Dr. Whitewood, who looks at her with sorrow in her expression.

The guards practically threw Sierra into a wall, and she growled again at them as she stood up. "Hey, you all right?" Matei asked and she nodded.

"I heard some pretty upset growling and I don't think that it was TJ, you're okay?" She asked and he sighed, as he shakes his head slightly.

"Mum?" TJ asked loudly as he had finally, noticed that his mother was standing, in the room, with them all now.

"TJ, you are coming home with me, now." Imara ordered calmly, and TJ looks at the rest of the pack and none of whom seemed remotely shocked at the order or the circumstances of it.

"What? Mum, no." TJ begged.

"You're safe now. Come on." Imara tried, but TJ yanked his hand out of her grip savagely.

"No, don't touch me." TJ snapped at his mother, yanking his hand out of her grip again.

"TJ, it's okay. Go." Sierra quietly murmured, but still loud enough for every person, in the room to hear, as she stood solid in the center of the room.

"No. I'm staying here, right here, with my pack." TJ declared, and, stood next to Selina.

Suddenly, Imara had the laser serum to de-wolf them and it was pointed at Victoria's neck.

"Let them through." Victoria ordered and she clearly wasn't willin' to be the one, who sacrificed her wolf for their secret.

Robyn growled at the pack and Sierra got nose to nose with her and glows at once, and Robyn backed off at once as she was seein' the Tracker's eyes.

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