Chapter Three

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 Crisp, cool northern air stung as it traveled through my nose and lungs. A mist had settled over the street and the leafless trees bordering it. The early morning sky, opaque grey and green clouds barely tinged pink, looked like a sea of smokey pearl puffing by just above the treetops. Dead leaves shifted in a sudden gust of wind, and I picked up my pace with the breeze.

 I used to jog all the time; now it had been a week. After the hectic events of my first week at school, I needed the release of mindless running- but my thoughts slowed me down, dragging me back to reality at every opportunity. I pressed on, knowing now would be a time better than any to stay in shape. I had done push-ups, sit-ups, jumping jacks, wall-sits, squats, stretches, yoga; I had even stolen Kim's weights and used those for a bit. I had missed exercising. The psychological benefits of being in shape were much-needed at present as well.

 Alexis hadn't been back in school since Josh's death. Heather and Lacey could barely bicker. Kai attempted to stay cheerful; I think she was numb. As for me, I was too new to really feel his loss- it was more empathy for the others that brought me down, as well as the shock value of the dice, which still confused the hell out of me.

 Reaching the end of the street, I rounded the coul-de-sac and started back down, trying to think of something else; anything else, really. Nicholas had a game this upcoming Thursday- first of the season. He had convinced me I had to go-

 "If you don't come to the game, we'll lose. Since you been here, I found twenty bucks, won three arm-wrestling matches, and I got a free pizza the other day. And this real pretty girl is suddenly interested in me- her name is Alicia, and she never had time for me before, but now it's like all she wants to do is talk to me. So you gotta go- you're my good luck charm!" He had said.

 "I'm not sure if I can," I had replied; it had been the day after Josh's death, and I wasn't sure if I was such a good-luck charm after all.

 "Please, ol' girl."

 At his use of the nickname he had given me already, I had faltered. "I'll ask."


 "But no promises."

 I smiled at the memory as I trotted past nearby houses. The game was bound to be fun, and I could convince Kai to get Lacey and Heather and maybe Alexis there, if only to help cheer them up a little. They would have dance practice to clear their heads Tuesday, and maybe by Thursday they'd be able to attend the game. I was especially concerned about Alexis- I didn't know how to comfort her without being insensitive. I knew it was best to just give it time, but from what I'd heard she was falling apart.

 I nearly groaned; my thoughts had circled back around to that already.

 By the time I was back at the house, Kim and Marty were awake, and the smell of bacon and baking permeated the house. I pulled out my headphones, twirling them as  I walked through the kitchen.

 "Smells great!" I declared as I passed through, and Kim smiled at me while Marty nodded and sipped his coffee. I reached my room upstairs, and saw an envelope on the bed.

 "Oh, no."

 I closed the door behind me and set my iPod and headphones on the dresser before crossing to the bed. The envelope was seemingly untouched ivory, smooth and unmarked aside from an ebony wax seal that had the mark of a rose with a scythe protruding from the petals. I shook my head at it and opened the envelope. A powdery black dust puffed out from it and I dropped the envelope as the dust swirled out, and then, naturally, took the form of the grim reaper.

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