Chapter 8

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After having your "bath" Both you and Ruby come out of the bath room

Normal POV

Soon when they were out the other members turns and see the two

Weiss : So you finally came out after three ours.

Says Weiss while having her arms crossed

Ruby : Y-yeah sorry it took so long y/n here was just a bit nervous to have a girl taken him a bath.

She says while lying a bit

Blake : Okay... So who's turns is it this time.

Asked blake

And at this Weiss raised her hand

Weiss : It's finally mine turn!

She says while going to the little dragon faunus who's face still look a bit disturbed but goes unnoticed by the others

Blake : Okay guys I think we should head to bed it's getting late.

She says while getting to bed

Soon they went to bed and when they did Weiss place y/n next to her and also that she covers him

Weiss : Good night~y/n.

She says while kisses his head

Y/N : G-goodnight.

You say while closing your eyes then as you did Weiss took this chance to fully kissed you on the lips and then place your head between her small chest

But little did everyone knew that Yang was secretly pissed at Ruby and was burning holes into the back of her head

Yang POV

DAMMIT!! HOW DARE SHE TOOK MY LITTLE DRAGONS VIRGINITY!!! I WANTED TO BE THE ONE!!! Oh~but don't worry my dear sweet y/n~ I'll make sure your mommy~ makes her pay for touching and hurting you~
Because soon~ it will be our turn to have fun~

She says while having a evil laugh on her head and having a wide yandere smile

Normal POV

Somewhere else in vale in the white fang base we can see a certain ice cream and that she can't take her mind of the little dragon faunus and that she has a plan to get him for herself and soon her door opens

Emerald : Hey neo.

Says the green hair girl

Then neo turns and look at her

Emerald : Cinder wants for you to come she says the plan is ready and that were going to beacon.

Then neo nods at her but on the inside she was smiling widely because she gets the chance to be with her little dragon~

The next morning

Team Rwby POV

Now it morning and the team and y/n was waking up to get ready for the day

Ruby : *Yawns* Morning guys.

Blake : Morning ruby.

Soon there was a buzz on there scrolls

Weiss : Uh. What's this.

Ozpin : Would every team come into the office there has been a disappearance of a team that is team SSSN. And they can't be located everyone please come immediately.

Soon the scroll ends and that the team has there eyes widen

Ruby : OH GOD!!

Says Ruby

Blake : Crap I was hoping no one will notice!!

Yang : Shit! Well come girls we must get to the headmaster office.

Weiss : Okay come on y/n.

Says Weiss while picking up the boy

Y/N : O-okay.

Soon they were rushing to the headmaster office

To be continued....

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 08, 2020 ⏰

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