Part 54

589 39 13

Naksh come out of washroom after changing into his night wear..Keerti is waiting for him with a cup of coffee..

She hold his hand and made him sit..she give him coffee to drink..he look at her..

She took towel and wiped his hair..he look at her lovingly..she move to go.. he hold her hand..

She look at him..he made her sit on his lap.. he took towel from her hand and wiped her wet hair...

She look at him smilingly..he made her drink coffee from his cup..then he have coffee..

Naksh- now go and change otherwise you will get cold..

Keerti- I'll not get cold mr Singhania..

She touched his nose playfully..

Naksh- why? Are you cold free?

Keerti- yes..

Then she sneezed..

Naksh- bless you..someone is saying that she is cold free..

She look at him..

Keerti- Naksh I (sneeze)

Naksh- bless you..

Keerti- it's normal..(sneeze sneeze again sneeze)

Naksh- it's not go and change..

Keerti- no.

She wrapped her arms around his neck and hug him tightly..

Naksh- Jaan..

Keerti- hug me back..please

He wrapped his arms around her..

Naksh- why are you behaving like a kid..

Keerti- aise hi can't I hug my husband.

Naksh- yes you can hug me..even I want to secure you in my embrace my whole life.. but I know why are you doing this..

Keerti look at him shocked.

Naksh- Jaan I know you better than yourself.

She look at him..

Naksh- I know you're doing this just to make me feel better..right.

She look at him and nods..

Keerti- if I was not feeling well or I'm sad you will do the same thing correct

Naksh- correct.

He look at her face and caress her lips.she look at him..

Naksh- Jaan I want to say something..

Keerti- yes..

Naksh- I'm sorry..

She look at him confused..

Keerti- sorry for what?

Naksh- vo I..I kissed you..

She look at him shocked..

Keerti- Naksh aapko acha nahi that you kissed me..

Naksh- no you're getting me wrong..I'm not sorry for kissing you..even I love it..
I love that moment when you're so close to me..

She look at him lovingly..

Naksh- I'm sorry that I kissed you without your permission..I promised you that I'll not force you for anything..we will take it slow..but I don't know what overcome on me and I endup kissing you..

Keerti- do you regret of kissing me..if yes then I should also say sorry..because first I kissed you

He cupped her face in his palm..

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