Frisk × Sans Echofell

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Frisk was board so she decided to mess with Sans. She went downstairs and saw Sans was on the couch. She sat on his legs and put on a movie while waiting for Sans to wake.

[2 hours later]

Sans woke up to feel a wight on hi's legs and saw Frisk. He got mad and growled "Frisk!"  "Oh your awake!" "Yes I'm awake now get off!" "Nah" she smiled and turned off the movie. Sans got more mad and pushed he on the couch and pinned her still growling at her. She blushed a bit and squirmed. He got off her still angry "Don't do that again princess" "Why" "Because I said!" Frisk noticed he was blushing and kissed his cheek. Sans blushed more and teleported away to Grilbys. He blushed thinking about her and snapped out of it when Grillby asked what he wanted.

This was 161 words. Have a good day/afternoon/evening/night!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 08, 2020 ⏰

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