Error x Ink morning cuddles

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Ink woke up and saw Error sleeping by him he blushed a rainbow after remembering last night. Ink smiled and was about to get up but Error pulled him back down to cuddle it made Ink confused. "H-huh" Ink looked at Error confused. "Stay..." Error was still half asleep and Ink smiled and cuddled Error.

Dream opened the door wondering  where Ink was and saw them cuddling, he pulled out his phone and took a picture of them and send it to the AU group chat.

Dream: [Le picture]

Cross: oooo I ship it!

Nightmare: yes that picture could be good for blackmail!

Ink: wait... Dream I'll kill you after Error gets up!

Dream: Try me bitch!

Blueberry: language!

Dream: english

Dream went out of Inks room and closed the door quietly so Error didn't wake up.

This was 153 words. Have a nice day/night/afternoon/evening!

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