Chapter 18: Going Places

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Momoko told no one about the text from Hunter.

Please don't make me block you, she'd texted back. Good night. She'd turned her phone to silent and gone to sleep, hoping that would be the end of it. There were no more texts from him the next morning, so she was cautiously hopeful.

"You okay? Sleep well?" Sully asked her the next morning when they met for breakfast.

"Yeah, I'm fine," she assured him. "Starving, though. Point me to the buffet."

"Morning," Tommy sang out as he joined them in the buffet line.

Dane was right behind him, a huge smile on his face.

"Where's Jude?" Momoko asked as she loaded up her plate.

"Running a little behind, he'll be here in a few," Sully answered.

"Hold on, why do you two look like that?" Sully demanded as they sat down. He gestured suspiciously at Dane and Tommy.

"No reason," Tommy said, attacking his food.

Dane merely shook his head and took a drink of coffee.

"Does this have something to do with the text you sent me last night?" Sully asked.

Jude joined them at this moment, sitting down with his own plate piled high. "I got the same text, but I was fair knackered, not even your snoring could keep me up, Sullivan."

Kay entered the hotel dining room and saw them, smiling and waving as she quickly walked to where they were seated. Jude moved over obligingly to make room for her, but she shook her head. "I already ate, I've been up for hours," she said.

"We all have our receipts," Sully assured her with a smile.

"How long do you need to eat?" Kay asked, waving away his remark about the receipts.

"We just sat down," Tommy told her. He gestured to their still nearly full plates.

"How would you like to do a radio show?" Kay asked.

"What?" Momoko asked, nearly choking on her eggs.

"I got you a spot on the biggest afternoon radio show in Philadelphia, but only if we can be in Philly by one," she explained.

"Why would we need to be in Philly by one if we're going to do an afternoon radio show?" asked Tommy.

"I haven't even eaten yet," Jude said plaintively, looking at his food.

"You'll need to get to the venue and do your set up and sound check before the radio show, because there won't be enough time to get over there and do it after," Kay said patiently. "You have to trust me about these things, I've been doing this a long time, okay?"

Dane rose wordlessly and disappeared in the direction of the buffet.

"Where's he going?" Kay asked. "Did he not hear what I just said? We have to get going, like, five minutes ago!"

Dane returned with five plastic carry out containers, which he proceeded to pass out. "Let's go, people," he said. "You heard Kay, we need to get going, like five minutes ago!"

They quickly dumped their food into the containers and were on the bus in nothing flat, headed for Philadelphia. Kay was on the phone with the venue, making sure they could get in early to set up before the radio show. Ken, Ronnie and Bill were snoring up front, having partied until the wee hours the night before, apparently.

"Yes, we'll need availability by 12:30," Kay said. "Because they have other commitments in the afternoon. Yes. Yes. I'm sorry, but that's just the way it is." Kay listened for a few moments, then spoke again. "Well, he's just going to have to haul his ass out of bed and come and unlock it, then, isn't he? What? Do you want a show or not? Look, I'm not saying this again. They need to get in the building no later than 12:30. Yes. Yes. Yes. Okay. Thank you. We'll see you then. Okay. Thanks again."

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