Chapter 31: Being Certain

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"Have you noticed that it hasn't been hot lately?" Jude asked as he opened the windows. "We haven't had the air con on in ages."

"I love the way you say 'air con,'" Momoko said, going up on tiptoe to plant a kiss on Jude's mouth. "Everyone else in this house says 'A/C.'"

"What other words of mine do you love?" Jude asked, grabbing Momoko by the waist so she couldn't leave.

"Hmm." Momoko considered. "'Sat-nav'? Everyone else says 'GPS.' And how about 'wanker' instead of 'dick'? I do love 'wanker.'"

Her words made Jude laugh. "And I'm so happy you do," he assured her, kissing her more slowly and thoroughly than she had a moment before.

Momoko jumped into his arms, wrapping her legs around his slim hips, making him stagger a little since he wasn't expecting it. He kept his balance, however, and managed to get to the chair and sat with Momoko in his lap. 

"Mmm, mm," he moaned happily, hands roaming to her round bottom, then up and around to her front. "Not that I mind sharing you?" he murmured into her throat. "But sometimes it's nice when it's just the two of us, don't you reckon?"

"Yeah, I 'reckon,'" Momoko responded with a soft laugh as she nodded, resting her forehead against his and tracing his features with her fingertips. "Too bad it's not going to last long. The others are going to be back any minute so we can rehearse, you know?"

"I know," Jude responded, thrusting his hips up into her in frustration.

"Tell you what," Momoko said, eyes sparkling. "How about if tonight, after everyone goes to bed, I pop by your bedroom for a sleepover?" She pushed Jude back into the chair so she was sitting up over him, hands pressing down on his lean chest.

"Yeah? Sounds ace!" Jude beamed up at her, grasping her hips and  grinding pleasurably into her.

"Ace," Momoko repeated. "Another word of yours that's pretty cool, my darling Jude." She smiled down at him, taking a deep breath.

"Ah, love, you do fair take my breath away," Jude breathed, reaching up to cup her face.

"Love," Momoko murmured, nodding. "That one's my favorite, I think." She leaned down to kiss him, moving gently, continuing to nod.

The front door opened and the other boys came in, boisterously noisy, laughing, grocery bags in their hands, and Jude and Momoko sat up, their moment over.

"Sorry to interrupt you lovebirds," Sully said with a smile, "BoB is mere weeks away, and we need to be performance ready on, what did we decide? Twenty-eight songs? And we have a gig tonight?" The band had gotten very relaxed about the shows that they had to perform locally, almost sanguine in their approach.

"Yup," Momoko answered, climbing off Jude's lap. "I've gargled and warmed up and everything, I'm all ready to go."

"Help us put this stuff away, and let's get going, then," Tommy suggested, gesturing to the bags on the counter. 

"I've yet to shower," Jude said, heading toward the yellow bathroom.

So the other four got the groceries put away while Jude showered and all gathered in the rehearsal area to work on their music. 

About an hour into the rehearsal, Momoko turned to the guys and said, "You know, I know we're supposed to be working and everything, but I just wanted to tell you guys that I've never had so much fun in my life." She smiled the smile that melted their hearts. "So thank. you. For taking a chance and hiring me and everything. Meeting you and being in this band has changed my life."

Sully, who was closest, pulled her in to plant a kiss on her forehead. "The feeling's mutual, Peaches. But you talk like it's over, like it's ending or something. Battle of the Bands is like the beginning, don't you know that? It will be our biggest gig, and hopefully we'll get signed, and we'll be off, right?"

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