Her Innocence

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Vansh's pov

It's been a month, since I saw that girl. And I couldn't stop thinking about her. One of my man is keeping an eye on Ridhima. Yes, her name is Ridhima. I love her name. It suits her beauty and innocence. My man sends me her pictures also, sometimes. No, I'm not into stalking but I'm just curious to know about her.

If there's something wrong about her and if she has been sent by any of my enemies, then I'll come to know soon. But I didn't find anything yet......... She just leaves her home for work, nothing else and she doesn't even smile. Her actions speak loneliness, emptiness. I want to meet her again, after that I'll tell my man to stop stalking her.

I know what I have to do.......... I'll make her work for me, in this way she'll be in front of my eyes and I can watch her every move.

Ridhima's pov

It's been a month after my accident, I started doing my work a day after I discharged. It just keeps my mind distracted. But deep down I felt vulnerable and abandoned. I never felt that, not even when I think about my parents who left me. Sejal keeps on saying that I should go and meet other people, my so called casual friends. But I don't want to go anywhere apart from my clients'.

It's been 2 weeks and I feel this weird thing, like someone is following me and watching me. I don't know I think I'm getting mad. Currently I'm going home from a client's house. It's 8pm, and I didn't even had lunch. I'm hungry.

As I entered my room, a girl came and informed me that someone has came to meet me. He's waiting in warden's office.

I don't know why I have this weird feeling that something is going to happen. I entered the office of the orphanage. Warden's seat was empty and there was a man sitting on the chair in front of the desk.

"He.... Hello?......... " I called out, so that he can hear me. He stood up and turned, I saw his handsome face and tall mascular body. His personality had dangerous aura which was giving me weird vibes.

"Hello Miss Sharma" He said, poker faced.
"Do I know you? " I asked nervously.

He smirked and said "No you don't, but I know you, I saved you from that accident."

Realization dawned upon me.
I smiled and said " Thank you, for saving my life, I owe you." He smiled and his smile felt genuine this time.

" I came to know that you're a physiotherapist...... When you got into the accident I told my p.a to find about you. I want you to work for me " He said.
I frowned, how can he say that I should work for him? He looks fit?

" My sister, she needs a physiotherapist, she can't walk and I want you to make her stand on her own legs " He said.

Did I said that loud? He was looking at me, waiting for my answer. Should I say yes? But he seems rich he can find anyone then why me?

"Because I know everything about you, I know you're good in your work and I'll pay higher amount to you" He answered my unasked question again. I looked up at him. His eyes seems dead, expressionless face and his aura seems dangerous, should I accept his offer? I need money to make a better living but trusting a stranger is not good. But maybe he's genuine and I'm Overthinking.

" Oh.... Ohk" I stuttered more like whispered. He heard what I said and nodded his head.
"Ok then, be ready by tomorrow evening. My driver will come to pick you up. You'll live in my house. And you'll start your work from the day after tomorrow." He said and left from there.

I stood there like a dumb statue, wait, why do I have to live with him? I ran outside the office to search for that man. I don't even know his name. I came outside the orphanage and saw his car leaving. I'll ask him tomorrow, I thought.

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