His Dangerous World

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Vansh's pov

Loyalty and truth, is what I expect from those people who work for me. And they know if they break my trust, they'll have to go through my bad side. People are scared of me, even my family is.

Right now I'm standing in front of this scumbag, who dared to sneak into my mansion, he's my employee in finance department. But I found him here, at my study, in my mansion. Andy caught him red handed and bought him at our basement.

"So will you speak or I have to make you speak ?" I spoke in a low voice. Even my voice was enough to make him shiver but he kept quiet.

"I hate to repeat myself, if you didn't speak in next 1 minute..... Even I won't be able to save you from myself" I warned him for the last time but still no response.

I got furious and started beating the shit out of him. After almost fifteen minutes, I stopped leaving him soaked in blood and bruises.

"Speak" I shouted at him.
" I didn't do anything Sir, I have been paid by someone to find your important documents and give those to them " He spoke weakly.

"By whom? " I asked
" I don't know I just got a call from them, I didn't see their face. They told me to pay 15lakhs after I do my work. Please let me go, I'll not do this again. I have a family please let me go. Spare me Sir. " He started crying

I smirked " Let you go? After you betrayed me for just some money? I know my company pay you in much larger amount still you betrayed me. And every action gets punishment."
I spoke and shot him on the forehead.
Andy knows his work, so he'll clean his body. I left the basement.

As I stepped my foot on the stairs, to the living room, I felt something under my foot. I removed my leg to see a shining chain with stars on it....... It's an anklet. But who's? Hmm..... So someone came here ? I smirked thinking about what I'm gonna do to her. 

I went upstairs and entered my room only to see............

Ridhima's pov

It's been a week since I started my work. I got close to Sia. She's just like Sejal. I didn't saw Mr. Singhania after that day, I don't know I just........... Sometimes I want to see his face sometimes it's hard to breath even if I think of him.

Right now, I'm trying to sleep but as usual, my sleeping habits didn't changed at all. I read books at night, Sia told that I can get books from Vansh's study but I don't have courage to face his intimidating aura. So I downloaded wattpad.

I started feeling thirsty so I got up and left my room to go to kitchen. But this mansion is so freaking big that I forgot my way to kitchen............

After searching for sometime I reached the stairs which goes down, does this mansion has a basement? I got curious and went down.

I saw a huge iron door and was about to push it open but I heard a sound. As if someone was crying, I heard that again. What if it's a ghost? That's why Sia also didn't mentioned about a basement. All my courage and curiousness went in vein.

I turned around and took the stairs and ran to reach my room. I have read stories of ghosts in such mansions. I should just mind my own business. I opened the door of my room only to realize that it wasn't my room, I turned and..........

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