Truth revealed

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"Vansh" Ridhima whispers as she look at the door, couldn't believing her eyes.

Vansh looks at her and then at Kabir who was clutching his knee and shocked as well. He enters and stops in front of Kabir looking down at him with pure hatred in his eyes.

"What? Did officer Kabir Singh got shocked looking at his biggest enemy still alive?.................... " Vansh spoke in amusement. Then he went to Ridhima and opened the ropes to free her wrists, took the end of her saree and covered her front. He kissed her forehead and was about to open the ropes of her leg but Kabir grabbed his suit from behind and turned him. He was about to punch, but Vansh dodged it and punched Kabir on his face who landed on his face to the floor.

"You'll never change huh? Still have a habit of attacking from behind." Vansh said gritting his teeth. He took out his gun and pointed at Kabir.

"You think after what you did to my sister, I'll let you do anything to my wife. I knew your plans from the very start. You tried to kill Sia......... I saved her but she lost her ability to walk because of you. You planned that accident. I could have killed you long time back, but I wanted to clear your misunderstanding. I didn't kill Ragini, Kabir." Vansh spoke choking on the last part.

"No you're lying, she said your name before her death." Kabir cried closing his eyes remembering his sister.

"I loved her dammit. She was my fiance. Do you think I'll kill her. I never thought of killing her, not even when she cheated on me." Vansh shouted in frustration as Kabir looked at him shockingly.

"I loved her, but she cheated on me with that Nikhil, for his money. I wasn't rich at that time, but I was working hard for her so that I could fulfill all her wishes. But she didn't wait for that. That day before she died, I went to your house to meet her but I caught her with that fucker. You weren't at home. I was shocked, angry and broken. And she saw that I caught her. But before she could speak anything I left from there. I wanted sometime to digest the truth. And when I decided to give her second chance, you came to my house and accused me for killing her.
Since then, I started searching for her murderer. I came to know that her murderer was none other than that fucker Nikhil. He was obsessed with her. He blackmailed her to sleep with him. And that day when I left your house, she was about to come after me. But that Nikhil tried to stop her. When she told him that she loves me and she can't continue with him, he got angry. He tortured her, beat her, raped her and murdered her so that she couldn't speak to anyone about what he did"

Vansh completed, remembering his past life, as he closed his eyes.

"I came to know about your wicked plans when you called Ridhima. I have a tracker and call tranfer on her mobile for her safety. I heard your conversation. I knew you'll trick her into your plans. So I let you believe that you're succeeding. That day when Ridhima left my mansion, I told my men to let her leave. When you attacked me, I ordered my men to wear bullet proof jacket which I wore too. I did all so that Ridhima could know your real face. I did all this so that I could show you that how wrong you were from the beginning " Vansh said looking at Ridhima.

Ridhima was shocked. She got speechless. She was feeling guilty that she didn't believe on Vansh, while Vansh did all this to save her from Kabir malicious plans.

Kabir who still not believing Vansh said, "You're lying MR. VANSH RAI SINGHANIA. My sister will never do such a thing. And if someone else murdered her than why didn't I found any proof. I'm a cop I could've found at least one evidence. "

"Because I destroyed them. I killed Nikhil. And after killing him I destroyed the evidences against him and against me, that I killed him. You could have done my DNA test, but you were blinded by rage that you didn't even saw the real evidences and just thought of me as her murderer. But I have the copy of the evidence which proves that I'm innocent and Nikhil was the murderer, if you really want to look at....... ANDY" Vansh called Andy who was waiting outside.

Ridhima saw Andy coming inside and smiled looking at him, thinking that he's alive otherwise she couldn't forgive herself. Andy gave an envelope to Vansh, who threw it to Kabir.

Kabir looked at the proofs and got shocked. They were the reports of DNA test of Vansh, Ragini and Nikhil and some pictures of Ragini with Nikhil. Some copies of messages of chat between Ragini and Nikhil. Kabir started feeling ashamed, tears formed in his eyes, regretting he couldn't punish her sister's culprit. He accused his best friend. He was about to rape an innocent girl blinded in revenge.

He looked up at Vansh who was hugging Ridhima. He was guilty of his actions. He looked at the gun Vansh dropped on ground. He took it and pointed at his head. He pressed the button but someone took hold of his hand and pointed it upwards and the bullet hit the ceiling. He opened his eyes and saw Vansh holding his hand. He got confused.

"Why did you saved me? Let me die. I'm a monster. I did so many wrong things to you and still you saved me. Why? " Kabir asked feeling vulnerable.

"Because you don't deserve to die. Yes you deserve punishment. You tried to harm my family. But your loneliness, your guilt, your regret is your punishment. Don't ever show me your face again neither come near my family" Vansh said sternly and Kabir nodded looking down.

"Andy..... Take him to hospital" Vansh ordered Andy and carried Ridhima bridal style exiting out of the warehouse.

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