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Author's note:  Don't judge, but this is the song they play later on in this chapter. I like it, and I wanted to add it because it feels right with the scene to me. So yeah, ha ha.


" I don't understand why you use that thing," Ellery mumbled as she began stuffing things back into her pack. She was referring to Draco's wand, which he held tightly in his hand. He gave her a dismayed look.

" I use it because that's how you do magic. Or that's how I learned it at least. I'm still not sure where you got your tricks," he replied. Confused, she finally turned to look at him fully.

" What tricks?" she asked.

" That glowing thing? You glow, Ellery. And I don't know why you glow." He put extra stress on the word 'glow'. To his surprise and frustration, she gave a short laugh.

" There isn't time to explain my ways to you. We need to get going, or we're not going to make it out of the mountains before the sun sets." 

Draco responded with a grumble under his breath that Ellery couldn't quite hear. Rolling her eyes, she swung the bag onto her shoulder and slipped her stone sword into its sheath. Bluntly, she waved an arm at Draco and started to walk, not bothering to check if he was following or not. Sure enough, he soon stepped on the back of her shoe, and she could feel his trembling. She almost felt bad for him, but in all honesty this was his mess, and he needed to grow up and fix what he'd broken.

" Um, Ellery?" Draco asked after a while, his voice unsteady.

" Yes?" 

" Why do we need to get through the mountains before sunset?" 

Ellery stopped walking and turned to face him. The intense look in her eyes gave Draco a bad feeling about the mountains, which looked to be miles ahead of them. When she spoke, she said one word in a soft voice that terrified him more than if she had shouted.

" Giants." 

Well crap, he thought,  this is it for me. I'm probably going to die here. Draco tightened his grip on his wand again, his knuckles turning white. It was obvious that nothing Ellery could say that could soothe his nerves, so his next option was to hope she had her guitar on her. The fact that she had a sword was a little comforting, but also scary because he still had not one clue of what she could do with it, or what she could do in general.

" You seem upset," Ellery said, adjusting the bag's strap, " Allow me to distract you. What's Hogwarts like?" 

Grateful for something to think about, he began to tell her all about Hogwarts. He explained the houses and how you were sorted as a first year, told her about the students in his year. He made a point to tell her about Harry Potter, just in case she didn't know. Ellery listened patiently, interjecting with questions and opinions of her own when she was living in the cottage. She even managed to get him to laugh a couple of times. Again, Draco felt truly at ease. That might not have been the greatest thing at this point, though, because little by little he noticed the trees begin to thicken, and in the distance the sound of what he thought was thunder sounded. What made him question the thunder was when Ellery clapped a hand over his mouth and hissed at him to stay very still. Her colorless eyes scanned the dense forest, her sword out and at the ready.

Draco peeled her hand away from his face. " What? Are we in danger?" he whispered.

" If you would shut up I could tell you!" She elbowed him in the ribs. Irritated, he backed a step away from her, but did as he was told. He looked on as Ellery strained to hear the distant booming. As she did so, the blue glow returned, this time appearing to be flame like and pulsing. Suddenly, a tree branch snapped nearby and she caught his wrist in a steel grip and began pulling him the opposite direction. A tendril of blue smoke wound it's way up Draco's wrist, giving him a small shock, and before he knew it, he was enveloped in the same navy light.

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