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 The evening following the duo's return was quite the chaos. As soon as Narcissa saw them, she ran at them, full speed and gathered them both into her arms. Draco had given her a look that told her this wasn't going to be so bad, but as soon as they were inside, the questioning began. Starting with what happened to their clothes, why they were wearing armor, why Ellery was carrying a sword and so on. They answered as much as they could without giving the whole scandal away. In a sense, it was something special between the two of them that they'd rather not share. Eventually, Draco's mother realized that she wasn't going to get much out of them, so she took Draco away to another room while Ellery retreated to her room to change.

Hours later, Ellery found herself in the comfort of the kitchen, sitting on a worn wooden stool, clad in her off white apron and dark blue long sleeved shirt. She was surrounded by the familiar smell of lemon scented cleaning solution and the exotic teas Mrs. Malfoy liked to keep around. She'd only been sitting in silence a few moments when the door swung open.

" Draco?" she asked, turning to look at the doorway. Sure enough there he stood, pale and frightened. There was a deep sadness in his pale blue eyes that she couldn't read. 

" Yeah," he mumbled absently, " Hi, Ellery." 

" Something's wrong," she said automatically, gliding over to him and looping an arm through his. " Sit." 

He sat down on the stool while she leaned on the counter, watching his blank face worriedly. She didn't press him to say anything, but after a few minutes, he rubbed his eyes and looked up at her. The despair and fear in his glittering eyes nearly broke her heart.

" My father went to Azkaban," he said flatly.

Ellery knew what that meant. His father went to prison... but why? She didn't want to ask, in case it made him even more sad, or angry. She could only assume it had something to do with the feeling she'd had back in Orsan. Was this the bad thing that was supposed to happen? No. It was bigger. This had to be the beginning.

" I'm so sorry... what does that mean for you and your mother?" she asked tenderly. Draco shook his head and stood.

" I don't know. I mean, there's one thing I do know, but I'm not sure I'm ready to talk about it." 

" I understand. I'm ready to listen when you are ready to vent. What can I do to sooth your troubled mind?" 

" Not much I'm afraid. Thank you for trying, though." Draco gave her a weak smile and squeezed her hand. She squeezed back. Then he left the room, leaving her alone once more.

Ellery sighed, trying to ease the sudden urge to cry out. This was horrible. It made her wonder what had really gone down while they were away. There was one thing she was almost positive about though; it had to do with Voldemort. Nothing caused Draco the fear she saw other than the Dark Lord. She wished she knew how to make it more comfortable for him, but nothing came to mind. So, undoing the apron's ties, Ellery slipped out of the kitchen, rubbing her tired eyes. 

Hopefully I'll find a way to help Draco and his mother, she thought.


" Ellery?" a voice asked from behind her. Ellery glanced over her shoulder at the speaker. It was Narcissa.

" Oh, hello, miss," she replied, " What can I do for you?" 

" Well, first Draco asked me to pass a message to you. He isn't feeling well, so he's staying in his room today. He told me to tell you that you are released from your duties as a maid." 

"Ah, I see. I'll be sure to thank him personally later. Is there anything else you needed?" Ellery asked, leaning the broom against one of the dining room chairs. Narcissa nodded.

" I have one more favor to ask of you. Would you mind coming with me? I need you to run a few errands while I speak with someone." 

" Will do," she answered, smiling. " I'll go get ready." 

" Thank you, Ellery." Narcissa turned and strode out of the room. Ellery thought she might have seen the woman trembling a little bit. Shaking away the thought, she too hurried out of the dining hall to retrieve her cloak.

A few minutes later, they were standing in front of a shop. Narcissa handed Ellery a list  and some money and told her that they would meet in an hour in front of the house she was visiting. They then parted ways, Ellery going into the shop and Narcissa walking towards the nearest fireplace.

After about fifteen minutes, Ellery had finished her task and was waiting on the doorstep for Narcissa to be finished. It seemed to be taking a long time, and she was becoming bored now that she was done with what she'd been asked to do. Figuring it wouldn't hurt to see what it was Mrs. Malfoy was doing, Ellery rose to her feet and slipped inside.

" What room...." she muttered to herself, straining to hear voices coming from anywhere. Then, faintly from down the hall she heard the muffled voice of Narcissa, followed by what she assumed was Draco's aunt, Bellatrix and another voice she recognized to be the strange man who'd given her the time orb. Curious, Ellery edged forward pressing herself against the wall next to the door. She couldn't hear everything that was said, but she could clearly distinguish the stress in Narcissa's voice. Ellery felt her heart sinking. What was going on?

"You should be honored, Cissy, as should Draco." Bellatrix. It had to be. But what did this have to do with Draco? Her heart began to race. Was he in danger?

"He's just a boy," Narcissa said, her voice cutting through her sister's remark. Ellery moved closer to the door, the beginnings of blue smoke forming on her fingertips with the heightening of her quivering nerves.

" I can't change the Dark Lord's mind," said the strange man, " but I may be able to help him." 

Oh no you will not! Ellery thought, if he is to be helped, I will do it thank you very much.

More hushed speaking. She heard the stranger being called a coward by Bellatrix, and then he was asked to take out his wand. Listening intently, Ellery could make out the beginnings of an unbreakable vow being made.

" Will you, Severus Snape, watch over Draco as he fulfills his task?" 

" I will." 

" Will you step in and complete the task yourself if he should fail?" 

" I will." 

" Will you, to the best of your ability protect him from harm?" 

" I will," the man, Severus Snape, said finally.

Ellery peeled away from the door and ran back to her spot on the front step. There was only one thing she knew for sure.

She, Ellery Sinclair, was going to figure out how to take that vow from Snape. No matter what threatened to get in her way.

To be continued in The Vow Stealer .

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