Chapter 1 : Friends?

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Today is my first day at school.

I know what you just thought. Oh, the clichéness, and I can oddly not contest that, not because its true but because I can't exactly see the future, It is just my first day.

High school has always been shitty to me.

I shield my eyes from the sun as I look up at the logo of the school, hanging proudly in front.
Beacon High.

Sounds like bacon.
Ugh, I hate bacon.

Which serves as a reminder that I did not eat breakfast this morning.

If I'd stayed longer, I'd have gotten late and that wouldn't have been a very good first impression. First day, remember?
But that doesn't exactly make me think that the apple and granola bar I brought will help me feel better.
If anything, it'll make me hungrier.

I am about to step into the school when I feel my foot slipping and a downward depression. Luckily, I am able to latch onto the door and save myself from embarrassment, earning myself a twisted ankle in the process.
I straighten and look around quietly.

Hopefully, nobody saw that.

Just as I think that, I make eye contact with a blackhaired guy and I'm snapping my head forward like nothing happened.
And someone did, time to make a run for it before they remember my face forever.
And I'm stepping into the school and walking away as quick as I can.

I'd come to the school on an odd occasion or so, so it was easy for me to locate the principal's office.
I collect my map, schedule and other stuff I need and make my way back to the main school area only to collide with a passing body leading to my stuff clattering onto the floor.

This is just like in the movies. Reveal yourself, friend or foe

"Watch it,Newbie.", comes the high pitched voice.

Was really hoping it'd be a friend this time.

I look up to see the person and freeze, my eyes widening in shock.
Oh. My. Gosh.
She reels back as of irritated and confused at the same time. "Do I know you?"

I grin, forgetting momentarily about my stuff on the floor. "Bella, it's me, Sydney, from Prescott. Remember? Its been about a year. You stopped picking my calls, and Rachel's too. How are you?"
Something flashes in her eyes before an ominous smirk spreads across her face."Oh, I remember you, the misfit girl with the tacky clothes."
My grin freezes.

"Well, let me put it this way, I don't talk to people like you, not anymore. So do us a favour, me especially, and forget we ever even knew each other, and maybe then, I'll forgive you for bumping into me and trying to infect me with your tackiness."

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