Chapter 2 : Fine, I Guess

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I lounge on the couch, lazily stuffing my face with popcorn as I watch a random movie I picked on Netflix. I must have an undiscovered movie-picking superpower, it's actually pretty good.

The front door opens and I turn in time to see my mom come in and bend over to remove her shoes.

"Welcome.", I say from my seat. She  gives me a smile.
"How was school, sweetheart?", Mum says as she takes off her shoes. She came back home from her nightshift a little bit early today.

Now if I were some other kid,that would be a major catastrophe but being,the only thing I could be caught doing wrong is wearing out the couch.

I step aside for her to walk in." Fine,I guess.... ",I reply, shrugging.

You guess?! What sort of an answer is that?
There's no way I'm telling her about Bella so you got a better answer?
Then, pipe down.

" Earth to Sydney.",Mum says looking at me like I've gone cuckoo,which by the way, I already have considering that I keep on zoning 'in' and speaking to myself.

Oh God! I'm doing it again.

"You sure you're okay?", Mum says with a raised eyebrow. I nod mutely  trying not to give myself away.

" Okay,well you should probably get some sleep. It's a school night, remember? ",she adds before tossing a glass of water down her throat along with her pills.

Her Anti depressants.
It's nice to know she's doing something not to end up in a bathtub with slit wrists.

What? Things happen.
I feel myself getting sad. I kiss her on the cheek.

"What was that for?", she asks, amused. I shrug "Just felt like it." Good Night Mum. I love you.", I hug her then. "I love you, you know.  I love you so much."
"I know, darling,  I know. I love you too."She  says, hugging me back and placing a kiss on the side of my head.
I  smile "I won't."

I disengage from her reluctantly "I'll go heat up the casserole."
She shakes her head "Don't worry about that, it's a school night, you should get some sleep."
"No buts.  I wouldn't want you to be late on my account." She smiles at me and I notice the eyebags under her eyes and frown but I know there's nothing I can do.

Mum is a naturally stubborn person. She's been working late nights recently in a bid to get a raise. Things are still not as comfortable as they had once been and she hates that so she's set her mind on it.

Back at New York, I'd had
I close the door to my room and lean on it before sighing.

It's been up to a year now, 13 months actually, but I still can't get over it.

13 months since my dad decided he didn't want to be a part of the family anymore and didn't want to be reminded of it either. After the divorce, he cut off all communication, mum was hurt but she tried to cover it up for my sake since it was hard for me to readjust after the divorce and all,but there really isn't that much you can hide from a 16 year old.

Point is, she hurt so bad that I came home to her drunken self on the sofa and then would have to pretend not to have seen her the next day, the straw broke the day she got admitted into a hospital for a few days. After that, I'd somehow managed to convince her to go to therapy .

She's getting somewhere now and I'm grateful for that.

As for me on the other hand, up till now, I'm not quite sure how I felt about everything.

I mean, my dad usually never spent that much time at home since I was little so there wasn't even an opportunity to get attached. Hearing he was leaving the family made me feel, I don't know, unsure I guess.

During the divorce, I'd tried on a number of times to squeeze out some tears to show much I cared. It didn't work and I gave up trying to pretend.

The teachers at my school gave me glances and tried to make me feel better. The funny part being that I hadn't the slightest shred of emotion compared to what I was meant to feel.

I felt uncomfortable with the new way I was being treated and a bit worried about mum.
But when I go back to thinking of Dad and the little I remembered of him, all I felt was...


I'm sorry for the short chapter.
I know it's kind of disappointing..... Okay a lot disappointing.
But I'm kind of experiencing a writer's block.
I have an idea just not how to express it.
I really don't know.
But I'll update as soon as I can.
Pinkie Swear.

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