Chapter 3

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Hoseok and Jimin's laughter echoes through the apartment. The sound is like a haunting memory. It rings loudly in Taehyung's ears and he's sick of it.

"Stop it, it's not funny!" He exclaims at his friends on the other side of the table.

They were peacefully eating lunch together when Taehyung told them about the disaster that happened in his non-date with Yoongi, hence why they're doubling over. It has already been five minutes since Tae told them about it, but it doesn't seem like they're going to stop rolling on the floor anytime soon.

"Wait," Hoseok manages to say mid laugh "so, you're telling me he had a job in 20 minutes," he contorts his face, trying to hold it in so he can continue speaking somewhat coherently "and you made it seem like he peed his pants?" They burst out harder than before, as if Taehyung's misfortune is the funniest thing in the world. Which to others, it might be, but to him, it's a terrible occurrence. Taehyung is getting slightly annoyed at his friends lack of empathy towards his situation.

"I would appreciate it if you didn't remind me, so that I don't have to keep reliving it in my head. Once was enough already." The younger says dryly, pointed eyes telling his hyungs to keep it together.

Jimin raises his hands in surrender. "Sorry, sorry." He breathes in deep to try and calm himself before speaking again. "It's just that I can't believe you managed to fuck up a simple coffee shop date like this." Even though it's clear he's trying to respect his friends wish, a few giggles still escape through his lips.

"Well, me neither." Taehyung mumbles, ignoring the fact that the blonde addressed it as a date. Again.

"Have you scheduled the next meeting yet?" Hoseok asks curiously; his eyes beam with excitement. It seems like he is finally done laughing, and now is extremely interested in the follow up to the incident.

A long sigh leaves Taehyung's mouth. "I think this is it."

His friends look at him, confused expressions adorning their faces.

"What do you mean 'this is it'?" Jimin questions.

"I mean," the younger starts, but pauses for a moment to exhale. He is in need of some strength before admitting to what's been in the back of his mind since it all happened "that I don't think we're gonna meet again, not after what happened." He confesses.

Jimin's features soften, as it usually does when he feels bad or pitties someone. "Tae, we talked about this. Don't be so insecure, I'm sure he understands that it was an accident."

"Yeah," Hoseok speaks after Jimin, his gaze is just as caring as his tone of voice. "Didn't he yell you it was okay? He wouldn't have said that if he didn't mean it." He offers an encouraging smile.

The younger of the three looks down before answering, not wanting his friends to see the disappointment in his expression as he speaks. "Well, he hasn't texted me in two days. And he has my number this time, and he also said he was gonna text me."

There's a pregnant silence hanging in the air. It's obvious that Tae couldn't hide his discontentment from the olders. Not only did his face scream regret for what happened, but his voice was also laced with sadness.

Hoseok reaches for Taehyung's hand across the table. He squeezes lightly while speaking. "Maybe he's just busy, don't lose hope."

There's another moment of silence before a voice speaks up. "Why don't you text him first, asking him out on a date instead?" Jimin suggests excitedly, lifting up the mood with a huge smile.

"Jiminah, for the tenth time, we're not dating. And, to be honest, I don't have the guts to text him after what happened. It's too embarrassing, I don't wanna be turned down." He answers, trying to appear as nonchalant as he can.

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