Chapter 4

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"Goddamnit, why did I agree to it?" Taehyung mumbles to himself as he quickens his steps. Small beads of sweat are slowly forming on his forehead.

He checks his phone once more. He was supposed to meet Yoongi eight minutes ago. Guilt takes over his mind, he didn't mean to make the older wait for him, he intended to get there earlier than the scheduled time. Yoongi is probably at the dinner already. Taehyung would have gotten there in time too, if it wasn't for Hoseok and Jimin holding him up. They would not let Taehyung leave until they found the perfect outfit, which of course took longer than planned. Taehyung deeply regrets agreeing to it.

He sighs in relief as he spots the blue sign with the restaurant's name not that far ahead.

As the brunette finally gets close to the entrance, he slows his pace. He's somewhat sweaty now and he needs to calm his erratic heart before going in. He does not want to embarrass himself in front of Yoongi anymore. He's going to try his best and sit as still as possible while they eat, as to not knock anything over.

Yoongi suggested they meet before the exhibit so that they could get a snack and talk. He had told Taehyung that he wanted to talk to him about Rothko before they actually head there, so that he could have the 'full experience' he had said. Whatever that means.

It's not like Taehyung doesn't know who Mark Rothko is, he was an art student after all. He's seen pictures of his famous rectangles inside of other rectangles and he knows the painter is considered an abstract impressionist. However, apart from that, he really doesn't know much.

Although he most probably learned about him in class, Taehyung didn't really pay attention when it came to abstract artists. He would either doodle on his notebook as the professor spoke, or he would ditch the class altogether to finish some overdue project he had to turn in.

Usually, he would've researched the artist before visiting their exhibit, yet he didn't look up anything about him beforehand this time. He wants to listen to Yoongi explain everything to him. His voice is soothing to his ears and he'll take any excuse to hear him talk.

A smile crosses Taehyung's face as he spots the older across the establishment, head resting on his hands in an extremely cute manner. Yoongi waves at him as they lock eyes, lips turning upwards.

"Hi hyung." Taehyung greets as he sits down. "I really didn't mean to be late, but my friends asked to help me get ready and I didn't have the guts to turn them down, they hey said I should look pretty for you." He explains extremely fast. He bites his lips, the urge to facepalm himself is big as he realizes it hasn't even been five seconds since he arrived and he's already making a fool of himself. Way to go.

"You are pretty." Yoongi says in a heartbeat. Both their faces heat up at the words, so they look around to avoid each other gazes.

Yoongi clears his throat. "I got here five minutes ago myself, so it's fine." He gazes back at the younger.

Although Yoongi's previous words are still echoing in his mind, Taehyung decides not to address the compliment and instead asks if the older has ordered already.

"I was waiting for you." He answers, which makes the younger even redder. He was waiting for him.

They end up settling on a sandwich and some fries. Neither of them are hungry enough to eat a full meal, so they decide to share one instead.

"So," Taehyung starts after they finish ordering. "how am i gonna get the 'full experience of looking at a Rothko'?" He air quotes the exact words the older had texted him a couple days prior. A playful smile making its way to his lips.

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