Chapter 1

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"So, how do you like teaching?"

You asked as you played with the small bowl of Udon in your hand. All Might looked up from his bowl. The past month had been uneventful and lousy. There were little opportunities to spend time together and when you did, it was awkward and hopeless. It was hard to open up, apart of you just couldn't bring yourself to get personal with him. You still had a little time left, you were hoping it would just a slow and gradual change, but a change none-the-less.

"I enjoy it more than I thought I would."

"You miss hero work?"

"It's more frustrating than anything. Not being able to really do anything anymore. I was used to be the symbol of peace and now I'm just..."

"Normal?" You asked. The insinuation clearly made him uncomfortable, his shoulders relaxed and let out a sad sigh.

"As normal as a retired hero can be." You felt bad for his, really, he looked so sad and defeated.

"What is it they say back home? Teachers are the real heroes. They define and build the future by teaching future generations. Right? So really, you're still a hero. Just in a different way, right?" He looked up at you with a small twinkle in his eyes. His lips slowly curled into a reluctant smile.

"I guess you're right." The apartment fell silent again as you ate your meal. Finally, he broke it again. "So, two majors. That must have been a lot of work, what made you get two?"

"The deal was if I could get scholarships for both, I could study what I wanted. Just as long as I got a law degree too. As a , quote, 'backup'."

"A backup? I though forensic science is a pretty stable thing anyways."

"Forensic psychology, and yeah, it is. She told me she wouldn't support me if I didn't get the law degree."

"Wouldn't support you? That's a little harsh, but I thought you got a lot of scholarships to pay for it all." You sighed at his ignorance. Apart of you had forgotten how little he really knew about you. It stung to even think about.

"Well, I had a bit of an incident freshmen year and I lost them."

"An incident?"

"Yeah. I had a bit of a breakdown. I'm fine now. I just lost everything and I had to take a lot of makeup courses so I could graduate on time." You tried to avoid eye contact by looking out the window and onto the city at night.

"Why didn't you call me? I could have helped. Money's no object, you could have-"

"It's fine. It's not like she couldn't afford it. Besides, it's all done now and I have more opportunities. I have a job lined up as soon as I get home anyways. Everything's fine now." You brushed it off.

"You can come to me for things, y' know. I know I wasn't around much when you were a kid but I'm here now. I was hoping this trip would help us reconnect."

"Yeah, me too."

"How is your mom doing, by the way?"

"Oh, she's fine. She got married again recently. Nice gal."

"Oh yeah? What happened to the last wife?" You shrugged.

"I don't know, it's always something with her. Sucks, I really liked Sandra."

"Yeah, they seemed really good together. Do you at least keep in contact with Sandra? You guys were close, right?"

"Yeah, she was there at my graduation. I miss her a lot."

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