That Night: Luke Hemmings

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This one is for brideofharrystyles as well!

⚠️ 18+ content warning/mentions of mature content ⚠️

You and Luke laid in bed after celebrating your wedding night. It was one of the best nights you've had in a long time and since it was your wedding night, Luke decided to make you feel as special as he could. He gifted you with intricately sewn lingerie and a nice robe, and he made you a nice bath after and lit candles and put on music for you. The next morning, you both showered and went to the pool and you couldn't stop thinking about the night before. You were both adamant on having kids as soon as possible as you both loved them, so you all took advantage of that obviously. You smiled thinking about having kids with him, you weren't sure how many you wanted but to be blessed with one would be enough for you. You had both gone through a lot in your relationships to even get to this moment and so to have a new life brought into the world amongst all your all's crazy antics would be a nice change of pace. You all both wanted to settle down so this was a great time and your families were both supportive and excited that you all even decided to get married. He was always touring and you tagged along when you could, and so once you both slowed down in your job commitments, it was only a matter of time until you both said "I do." "Whatcha thinking about Em?" Luke asked walking over to you as you sat on the patio watching tv."Oh nothing, just the future." You said smiling."That's nice love. Am I in it?" He cooed in your ear causing you to chuckle. "Of course! I was just thinking about us having kids..." you said watching the commercials run their course. Luke smiled and pulled you closer to him. "We'll just have to wait and see huh?" He said, a mischievous grin playing on his lips. After a while of mindlessly chatting, you both moved your tv bingeing session to the living room to watch an ID marathon which was your all's favorite channel. It was nice getting to have that time to yourselves and you soaked up all the time with him that you could before heading back to the states. You all soon got your wish though as a couple of weeks later, you noticed your cycle was off and were not feeling too great once the weeks progressed. After taking a couple of tests, you saw the lines pop up confirming your thoughts. You were pregnant. After finding out, you put on some shorts and Lukes hoodie and did your usual dance moves in the kitchen while cooking and you heard Luke walk in, a huge smile forming on your face. "Hey honey! Dinner is ready!" You said excitedly sitting the plates down. You ate yours quickly, excited to tell him the news. Once you both finished you called him into your bedroom where he rifled through a grocery bag. "I got you a gift while at the store." He said and he handed you a box of your favorite chocolates."I got you one too." You said and handed him the tests.He raised an eyebrow at first and then looked closely. "Oh my god! You're pregnant!?!" He asked his eyes widening and a smile forming on his face. You nodded, happy tears falling down your face. You all hugged and you immediately knew you needed to call your family and he called his. They were ecstatic. After that you called your brother Ashton and agreed to meet him for a celebratory breakfast tomorrow morning. You all always got breakfast with him, but obviously this was a different occasion. The next morning you woke up smiling at the thought of getting breakfast with Luke and your brother, it always made the mornings a little less hard. You rolled onto your side and saw Lukes sleeping face. You never would get tired of that view. But to your dismay, the trance Luke had you under was disrupted by your all's dog Petunia. She jumped on the bed and nuzzled Luke awake, causing him to chuckle and Luke kissed you good morning. Petunia nuzzled her head near your stomach, and for many days after that she would never leave your side in order to protect her new human that would eventually make its way into the world. You laughed and cuddled her, and then got up to start your day, ideas of breakfast and now baby stores floating around in your mind.

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