chapter 1

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I would like to add at the beggining i didnt wirte all of this on my own.. My bestfiend Demi is co-writers with me so yeah.. go check out my shared accoutn with friends of mine _ CDSKM_one_direction . love you xx

~Claudia's POV~

"Okay girls! Now add the olive oil to the pan and let it simmer". I heard gabby across the table groan. "This is boring. Why is she making us do this?" l couldn't help but snicker as our cooking teacher Mrs. Towns glared at us. She gave us the famous Mrs. Towns ‘Look’. It was the look that meant almost everything bad – and anyone who got it, got a community service slip, or worse a Saturday. – Detention that was. As the bell rang Mrs. towns gave us the look again and gestured to us to go to her desk. I took a breath, and gave my friends a knowing look. “Now girls. Do you know how many times I’ve caught you talking? You really deserve a Saturday”. She looked really cross. Saturday? No way! That was the start of the holidays, AND the ONE DIRECTION concert! Oh Gosh! Her stern voice interrupted my mental panic attack. “But, you’re lucky I’m in a good mood. So I’ll let you off with a community service slip. I noticed Gabby sighed with relief. “Now off you go girls” she handed us a flimsy pink paper and we left the hospitality rooms. “Well at least this is better than Saturday... I would have died if we missed out on that!” I thought out loud. My friends silently nodded as we went to the office to get a plastic bag and rubber glove. EW I grimaced while starting to pick up the rubbish around school. This was so feral. 

Once the day was over, we finally were released from our boring classes. As usual, my friends and I would go out for dinner each Thursday and go shopping after. We got into Gabby’s land rover and she drove us to the shopping center. We headed to the top level and into our favorite restaurant ... NANDO’S! Now, let me tell you a bit about my friends. They. Love. Food. Especially Demi. She will never EVER share her food. Once, I asked for a chip and she THREW a fork at me, A FORK! ... Fun times. 

When we were seated the waitress introduced herself as Celina. She was the definition of a Barbie doll. She was caked faced in orange thick makeup that matched with her orange spray tan from neck to toe. And to top it off she was wearing the skimpy version of Nandos uniform that showed half of her ass to the world. Let’s just say it didn’t suit her body type l mean ... she’s a little bigger around the edges. 

She stood beside our table, waiting for someone’s order. “No hello?” I questioned sarcastically. She shot me a dirty and mumbled “What do ya want?” I breathed out and took my menu; flicking my straight and gold hair off of my shoulders. “I’ll have the peri peri chicken thanks” I returned her dirty face. 

Once we were done, we paid the cheese ball and left so we didn’t have to view that disturbing sight any longer.

So we started shopping, casually wondering around – aimlessly. Gabby and Miki went into a shoe shop, buying new vans for the concert and signing on Saturday. “Get over here Claudia! Pink or purple? NO NO! Aqua or hello kitty. Nah not hello kitty. WAIT! Navy! Navy goes with everything...or maybe red?” Gabby basically yelled at herself. “Babe, go with pink... and black laces,” I advised her. She thought for a moment, and then went to the register. The rest of us waited outside. And when she returned she had about 3 van boxes. “I couldn’t decide so I got pink, aqua and navy.” She smiled sweetly. “Oh Gabby.” I laughed. She smirked again and we headed out to the car park so Gabby could drop us home. 

“Did anyone else think that the waitress was a bit... round?” Demi stated, politely but still being a bit rude... even though it was so true. 

“YES! SHE NEEDS A FRICKEN DIET” Miki yelled from the front seat.

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