chapter 4

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~Demi's POV~

"I’m hungry!" Niall protested. “GO TO THE FRICKEN KITCHEN MATE” Zayn yelled from across the room. “Can I come?” I mumbled shyly, Niall turned around and blushed. “Heh, sure”. I followed him into Zayns tiny kitchen. “So” I said while sitting on the bench chair as Niall raided the cupboard. He turned around and smiled, then continued digging for food. “Here!” he squeaked while turning around with a jar of biscuits. He unscrewed the lid and shoveled two chocolate chips into his mouth. I took one, a strawberry jam biscuit and took little nibbles as I showed embarrassment. I usually eat in front of boys... but today... was different. He giggled at me and turned around. “Is that better?” He joked. “Aww shut up!” I giggled while fitting the biscuit in my mouth, and managing to say “There!” He turned back around with a huge smile, and his cheeks filled with food. He was so cute. 

“NIALL! GET YOUR ASS OUT HERE; WE’RE GOING TO WATCH A FILM!” Louis muffled yell echoed through the hallway. Niall turned to me and extended his hand. “Come on lovely”. I breathed a small laugh and took his hand. We walked hand in hand down the hallway, and as we got to the living area we pulled away out of embarrassment. Niall was still smiling as he moved to the first spot (Next to Zayn). Zayn got up obediently, “I'm making popcorn, Demi you’re welcome to sit” he grinned as he walked past me. I went and sat next to Niall, I just happened to be at the center of the room, so I could see everything. Gabby was sitting by herself; Maybe Zayn will sit with her when he returned. Claudia was snuggled up close to Harry, getting pretty comfortable. And Makaila was sitting a fair distance between Liam and Louis.

Zayn hurried back into the room with four bowls of buttery and yellow popcorn. One for Niall…. And one for demi… the rest of us will share. I looked at him strangely… “Aha! That’s not fair…? I’m not going to eat this much so you take it Zayn” I ordered him, but he returned the strange look. “Do you think Niall is going to share popcorn mate?” He laughed while sitting down next to Gabby. Niall flushed scarlet, and handed his bowl to Makaila. “See Zayn, I’ll share” he smirked at him. Zayn flashed his tongue. “Ladies first” he offered the bowl to me; I took a handful and picked at them. “Oh wait, what are we watching?” Louis asked as he got up from his seat and walked to the movie cabinet.

“Dead silence” I shouted before anyone else could. I looked over at the girls… they thought about it for a moment and nodded. I knew what they were thinking… a scary movie so they can act scarred and snuggle up to boys. Smart ones.

Louis placed the DVD into the player, already curled up to Niall scared poopless! It’s going to be a long night I thought.

At around 1:30 in the morning everyone was knackered and decided to go to bed.

"All the lasses can sleep in the spare room and we will get extra beds" told daddy directioner... but of coarse everyone else has other plans of sneaking out to go into the boys bedrooms and cuddle with them. Carefully listening to Liam’s footsteps and the sound of him closing his bedroom door we all quickly but quietly scattered into each of the boys rooms.


So I walked into my room, and pulled the sheets off the crisp and white mattress sheets and began to drift into sleep.

A light sound came from my door when I shot up to see who it was and it was Claudia. “Um, Hi” she whispered.  “Can I come in?” “Sure... just um” I thought for a moment and pulled the sheets to make a space for her. She awkwardly climbed in and put her head against my chest as a lay flat on my back. Butterflies were flying all over my body…. Is that normal for a guy?

It was about 2am when Claudia woke up. I haven’t slept a wink. Not because I couldn't, it was because I didn't want to. She fluttered her eyes up at me "What’s up babe" I whispered "Can’t sleep very well" she replied in a sleepy tone. "Aw, babe maybe I can help" she rested her head next to me with my arm around her waist tighter and started singing lightly "if I lay here, if I just lay here, would you lie with me and just forget the world". with those very few lyrics of that song she fell asleep. So peaceful as her chest rises and falls with her hair perfectly in place.

I woke up to the bright light shining through the curtains covering the window and the sound of a certain Irish boy singing downstairs. I look up at the clock and it reads 10:57am. I think I fell asleep not much after Claudia did. I tried to get up and sneak out of my room without waking Claudia but failed miserably…"g'morning curly" she chirped while stretching. “Good morning beautiful" I reply.

We both start walking downstairs. As we approach the island in the kitchen I see Niall and Demi getting pretty comfy with each other. They were both singing and giggling while Niall was shoving himself with food. Turns out everyone were up. Liam didn't seem too happy; yep I think he found out about all the girls…

Louis and miki were cuddled up on the couch feeding each other. They were getting very comfortable with each other after one night…yet again last night me and Claudia were pretty comfortable too.

 l saw when she laughs how her eyes sparkle with joy and excitement. l didn't realize I was staring until she looked at me weirdly and than l stared into her bright green orbs. She started to stare into my eyes. It felt like the whole world around us had just frozen. All I could think about was how beautiful she was. I started to lean in. I wanted to kiss her, I had to kiss her, it felt like the perfect moment. I was about 2 cm away from her luscious lips just wanting to crash into them. She started to lean in slowly to. Oh my god I'm going to kiss her.

"LADS I WANT MORE FOOD" niall shouted. Fuck I’m going to kill him. He ruined it. I was actually just about to kiss her. "Niall you hungry dumb fuck" i thought. Claudia jumped away as she heard his voice. He startled both of us. It was then a bit awkward between us now but we still stood there, Claudia was right in front of me.

"Niall you stupid leprechaun, they were just about to kiss" boo bear shouted. I looked over to Claudia, her cheeks bright red and I could feel mine starting to heat up. I snaked my arm around her waist and pulled her into a warm hug instead. She was hugging me tightly with her arms placed around my lower back and even though Its not a kiss its good enough.

~Louis POV~~

So after breakfast, and a few hours of cuddle, kissing, getting to know each other we decided go to Nando’s. The girls called their parents all called just to see what they were up to and how they were doing. Of course it was the same thing for all the girls saying" yes mum, I’m fine, the concert was amazing, with the boys, call you later bye love you too". I was actually all their parents were allowing them to stay with us.

We all hopped in the car to go out to lunch. The car ride was just like it always is but we were all together. Liam being all mature and bossy, but easing up a bit because of the girls. Harry being his charming and cheeky self, Zayn being quite but funny at random times, Niall…well just being Niall and me… well I’m me. Not a care in the world.

We walked out of the car and Niall ran like a little boy, with Demi trailing behind into nandos. 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 27, 2012 ⏰

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