to training camp[6]

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[Months later]
It was the time for nekoma and the other teams to visit...or not visit but going to a training camp.
And I tried looking my absolute best today and that I didn't smell like a sweat bag.
Just me being in the gym waiting for the bus was so awkward....everyone had been looking at me weird for the past five minutes.

"Hey so who do you think are Roommates will be?"
I over hear tanka saying something about roommates to hinata.
Daichi had told us we will be assigned someone to be in the same room because there were going to be so many of us we had to be in two pairs, that made me very nervous what if it's kuroo? I wouldn't be able to live!

Though I would be excited if it were him...I get to talk to him more.
"Tsukishima! Get your head out the clouds were about to go!"
Daichi had called out my name, I hadn't realized it was kind of empty sense half the team had headed out to the bus.
Silently, I stood up and walked outside and onto the bus sitting by yamaguchi as always.
I could feel my stomach grow many butterflies I will get to see him...kuroo....again.


The moment we arrived there were people waiting over in a small area seeing nekoma's jackets made me FREAK.
"Ya-yamaguchi...why am I so nervous?" I turn to yamaguchi probably looking like a complete wreck. "Huh? You're nervous? Bahhh don't be tsukki! We won't be losing this time" he gave me a pat on the back after standing up sense we were all exiting the bus.
he also didn't answer my question but it's fine I guess.

Stepping out of the bus the team walked over to nekoma...of course we tried looking intimidating.
"Heyyy~ it's the blondie! Good to see you againnn!" immediately I was greeted by kuroo...and he sure did look really good today, his smile was the same his voice...his bedhead stayed the same but I think it looked good on him at this point.
"Ah...hello kuroo! see you to"
It was hard sounding like I didn't care, I was smiling like a idiot and my face had already gotten so warm...
"Wow you look extra nice today, did you have a glow up within the past few months(though you looked good all the time" Kuroo said as he wrapped his arm around me, I couldn't hear the last part it being said so quietly. "Uh...well I'm not sure if I did have one" a laugh escaped from me, my eyes dart to kuroos arm that was around me, it was kind of muscular definitely bigger than me by a small bit.
To be cuddled but kuroo
no I should stop thinking like this.
"Well seems to me you grew about a few inches!"
Kuroo laughed smiling widely afterword.
"You two stop flirting and come over here, we will be discussing roommates" Daichi said to the two of us, suga laughs being heard in the back.
"WE WERE NOT FLIRTING- gah! Anyways we are coming!"
Kuroo was quick to react as for me it took me a few seconds to thinks cause I was also beginning to be dragged along by kuroo.
"Why am I the one bring dragged along now?"
I throw kuroo a smirk, but I didn't expect to get one back "you look as if you could become a couch potato Any second" he giggled and stopped moving when we were with the rest of the group.
My wrist was still being held by his hand...making me of course blush, I find it kind of weird how anything he dose makes me flustered now.
"Uhm kuroo..."
I point to his hand telling him it's still holding onto me
"OH..sorry I forgot I was even holding your wrist-"

"Alright! So I'm sure you all heard about having two people in each of the room you will be staying in.
Well...we have decided"
Kuroo was interrupted by one of the coaches whom had started speaking.

[After finding out who everyone was going to be with, of course...tsukishima got kuroo]

"Ayyy you will be staying with me blondie!"
Kuroo gave a sly smile and winked at me. I could just feel my organs just...spinning around In there, I have never felt this way about someone in so long. It is kind of weird.
"Y-yayy...I'm so...happy!"
I gave jazz hands trying to look as if I were excited, which, I just couldn't show it.
"Come on! Let's go it's already getting late, time goes by way to fast"
Kuroo quickly grabs my wrist once again pulling me along.
"Kuroo, do you have to grab my wrist like that?"

"Yes...because I want to ok"
Kuroo looked to the floor and had almost missed the room while he did so.
He let go of my wrist and opens the door "OH...."
He said standing with his hands on his hips
"There's odd"
I could see kuroo biting his lip and looking down "wonder if they did that cause were guys." Kuroo looked over at me.
"Yea I'm pretty sure they did, I'll just sleep on the floor though-"

"no way! Hey we can both sleep on the bed what do you mean? AIN'T GAY IF IT'S WITH DA HOMMIE!"
Kuroo couldn't help but snort after that sentence
"But we're not homies kuroo"
My hand raised to my hip and I lift a brow. Kuroo raised a finger
"'re will be gay if-
Hey well screw that you know? We are both sleeping on the bed and that's final!"

I turn my head to the side feeling it getting warm.
Me..sleeping on the same bed as kuroo.
Oh you got to be kidding me.


Also I'd like to thank loverrr309
For the idea of kuroo and tsukki haveing to be roommates and the whole training camp thing, I honestly loved that idea :b

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