give me some time[9]

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Practice had began.
All I could do at the momment was watch kuroo play against another team.
I have to admit watching him block was so satisfying the way he just dose it with ease...and how his hair know what maby that was to into detail.
"Wow tsukishima you really like stareing!"
Hinata Nudged my shoulder, as if this small idiot gets the hint...maby he's trying to be like everybody else and tease me.
Cause like a team we know eatch other very well, but sometimes hinita is so slow.

The whistle blows time for kuroo and his crew to take a short break
He yells to bokuto

I watched kuroo take a sip of his water, and here I was...paying attention to details.
I watched the sweat drip down his face and him just down his water.
Suddenly he side eyes me and winks.
Without second thoughts I just slapped both hands on my face which made kuroo laugh, along with the others looking at me.
"Stupid kuroo..."

"Tsukishima, do you need to go to the nurse you have gotten red three times today?"
Hinita like I said was in fact slow.
He dosent even understand what's going on yet the others do minus kageyama.
"No I don't need to go..I-i just get quick heat strokes!"

"Tsukishima that made no sense at all"
Hinita fact why am I even speaking to him
"Like you ever, now leave me alo-"

"Shhh tsukki stop being so mean to shrimpy over here"
I hadn't noticed kuroo walked up to me, I did feel his hand raise up my head to look at him though.
I lean backwards.
My whole body was hot at this point.
"Kuroo you broke tsukki, like seriously he never acts like that!!"
Yamaguchi stood up from what I saw I'm not even sure.

"Whaaaattt?? No I didn't? He's just showing his true self now that I'm here he's actally a nice guy!"
Kuroo laughed but it wasn't that stupid hyena laugh, it was deep and soft.

"Kuroo s t o p"
Nearly falling I sit up and tug onto kuroos shirt
"Hey don't get ANY ideas I'm just useing him so I don't fall over!"

"You two have a obvious crush on eatch other and it kills me to watch you guys" suga sighs facing the other direction
"lies lies lies I do not! Wha- why have I been put on spot lately!?"
I gave kuroo a quick glance, he looked speachless at his cheeks were red
"I feel called out...thank you suga"
With that he walked away back to his other team members.
I don't exactly know what just played out in his head but the look on his face confused me.
Yea he dose occasionally flirt with me
But now that I think about it
Dose kuroo actally like me?

Nighttime arrived quicker than dawn came, I was always in me and kuroos room first but I could already smell kuroos sent from three feet away.
"Hey there tsukki, I see you are already for bed. What you reading there?"
Kuroo happily walked into the room
With a wide smile and gleaming eyes.
I looked down at my book "well I'm just reading about dinosaurs...kind of wierd right?"
Kuroo plops beside me and loudly sighs
"that's not wierd at all tsukishima you're just being who you are. I do have to admit you reading about dinosaurs is the most wholesome thing about you"

A smile couldn't help but appear on my face something in my brain liked that sentence.
"Well...I think dinosaurs are kinda cool, it's fun reading about them"
Kuroo started smileing at me again
"Wow this is the most open you have been today. And I like your smile"

"Uh...thanks I guess yours I pretty neat to"
I closed my book and put it on the nightstand by looking at kuroos face I could tell something was on his mind.
"I'll be straight forward, what are you thinking about?"

"Huh? What am I thinking about..."
Kuroos sighs and sat up straight biteing his lip. I payed full attention to him to know what he was going to say...
"Iv really been thinking about you tsukishima...and how I'm going to tell you I am deeply in love with you..."
Kuroo put the palm of his hand on his eyes basically covering his face.

"I really....really do like you alot. Some may not see who you really are and it's kind of upseting. But I see who you are, you are actally the nicest guy iv met even though you were cold at first and a bit...stubborn. but I LIKE that your whole personality. I- geez I'm so...wierd...I feel like I can't even do this right...i..."

Kuroo got a bit frantic at the end there
For some reason I wanted to cry cause my heart was currently melting.
"K-kuroo....i like you to..I think I do...
I haven't had time to put thought into it yet. So could give me some time? That would be great.."

Kuroo looked at me and smiled "of course I can, just try and give me your answer have to leave and I have to go back to tokyo, ok? Which is two months.."
I slowly nodded and then covered my face with both hands, I honestly couldn't hold it in I cried, which was embarrassing for me to do it infront of someone.

"Tsukki! AW don't cry!! WAS I TO WIERD!?" Kuroo rapidly pats my back gently.
"'s just th-the sweetest thing someone other than yamaguchi has said to meeeee" I wiped my eyes with my hands.

And the night pretty much went on normally after that.

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