Snow White spin off

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Start: I didn't do it. I wasn't-no we weren't involved. He is innocent, but she. She's not. (You can switch genders)

One of the seven dwarves have been murdered. (Maybe dopey, unless you want a witness who can't talk)

If dopey isn't dead, he saw it all but is mute.

If he is, well he's dead.

The police are trying to figure out who killed-pick your dwarf-.

The suspects are the other dwarves, Snow White, prince, and the stepmom.

Witnesses none unless dopey alive. Maybe a bird.

If you want stepmom could have been hooking up with dead dwarf and maybe was cheating on him with another dwarf.

Prince was jealous of how much time Snow was spending with the dwarves.

Snow was getting tired of their abusive relationship of take with little give. Or was tired of them being rude.

Grumpy was seen getting in an argument with dopey (or any dwarf) before he died. Or maybe was also hooking up with stepmom.

Happy was always confessing things to dopey, and maybe decided he knew too much. Or happy isn't always happy and got put into a hospital once.

Bashful was tired of dopey getting all snows attention, finally took actions into his own hands.

Sneezy is always making accidents, could it have been an accident?

Sleepy always had his things stolen, but by who?

Dopey could keep a lot of secrets without anyone knowing, did he see who did it?

Stepmom, well she has a history.

Start of story could be all the interviews, or you could start off with someone finding the body,

"When the inspector went to check the safety of the coal mine she let out a horrible scream. One by one the dwarves came running, all but one. He was lying on the floor in his own blood...."

Gruesome? Maybe.

You can decide who the murderer is or in the end it could be all of them.

Or maybe all of them but the stepmom.

Maybe just the dwarves.

Maybe the stepmom and grumpy.

Little couple kill, romantic...

Another version of this is the stepmoms dead, or Snow, or the prince.

Any of those could be really interesting.

Still with the same suspects, just different motives.

To show their love for Snow the dwarves kill the stepmom, or in jealousy a dwarf kills the prince, or even in despair, accident, rage a dwarf kills snow. Even the stepmom is found with an apple in her mouth, could it be a wedding gift, or revenge?

First story prompt, hoped you guys liked it and share your stories.


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